Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...

Showing 50 responses by calloway

Dev...yes.that is correct...at last check, which is awhile ago..obviously not for everyone but for those who can afford them they are great..
..hard to believe it will get better...i now just listen to music..no ongoing thought process..just enjoyment..FINALLY..!!
...just heard the piano ceras at the axpona show a few weekends ago. they were,by far, the best speakers there.. in the room they were in..one of the stereophile reviewers came by and stayed for a long time and just loved them..see his statement on the stereophile sites review of the show...they had the most emotional mid-highs i have ever heard and the bass ..from a speaker their size was superb...i liked them so much that i am ordering the contriva diacera-se next week as my 'last speaker'..my room is larger then the one at the show or i would have ordered the piano cera...superb speaker..my friend and i kept returning to the tidal-argento room time and time again because it was the only room..in our opinion ..and those of many others..that sounded like 'music'..
shakey...i am ..i am....the c-40s are great speakers but not in the tidal 'contriva diacera-se' realm...they are very special indeed...these will be my last speakers...i think...at least for a long time..if i live long enough there may be another pair but way down the line...what did you upgrade to..?
..just ordered my contriva diacera-se today in piano black...now the wait...........

....i do currently use the smr i/cs and speaker cables...along with lessloss pcs..at some point in time i would like to get the fmr cables...the smr should be great ,however, for starters..
tbg and linkster....i envy you guys being able to listen to your tidal speakers...my contriva diacera-se speakers are still ~4 months from being finished. i wish i could speed up the process but they will be worth the wait...especially after reading your posts..thanks for the visions you're giving...
..as a recent buyer of a pair of contriva diacera-se speakers, i was told, when i ordered my pair, that it would take from 4-5 months to take delivery as they are made individually when ordered.that was 2 months ago.that being said i received an email a few days ago that informed me that mine would be arriving in about '3-6'weeks..as good as these speakers are the wait is worth it.
....lucky boy...don't do it!!!..you'll never go back!!!! happened to me...now i'm waiting for a pair of contriva diacera-ses after hearing the piano ceras...best line of speakers i have heard in > 20 years...they get music right...
wow...beautiful system...i give...can't wait to get mine..should be ~ 4 weeks...
husk01...doug white of 'thevoicethatis.com' is where i bought my contriva diacera-ses from..he is a great guy.....they are scheduled for delivery the week of july 12th ..can't wait..
ptmconsulting...i live in southern va and will be getting my contriva diacera-ses next month..if you are ever in this area you are more than welcome to come by and hear what all the fuss is about...
tbg...my 'se'contrivas are due to be delivered the week of the 12th of july...so, all-in-all not too long to wait.thanks for the offer...i can't wait..
...it would be great if i still had them but alas, they were sold.won't be long..
tbg..how many people did it take to get your se's out of their flight cases and stand them up..?...
tgb...thanks alot..this helps a great deal..i'll let you know how it goes after they get here..
...THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY...!!!..my contriva diacera-ses left germany today for an early next week delivery....can't wait
...WOW !!!..i have had the contriva diacera-ses now for 4 days..doug white of 'thevoicethatis.com, came down to help me position them in the best location within my room and to say that the music is the best i have ever heard in my room would be a huge understatement.even with only ~ 8 hrs on them the sound is superb.i was a little worried about my entertainment center being between the speakers and my ability to pull them out far enough into the room to allow the bass and all other freqs to come alive but 'not to worry'..the tidals came through with flying colors...so far i have them pointed straight ahead and the sound is glorious but i am going to play with toe-in over the next few weeks to best assess their potential.if anyone else in this country is on the fence about buying a pair of tidals and is in the neighborhood....virginia...and would like to listen ..give me an email and you are more then welcome to come by and listen. i can't say enough about how much help doug was also in making this all happen...will update from time to time as to their maturing which will continue for about 4-6 months...i can't believe they can get better....
...tbg..they are pointed straight ahead for the moment but i will be playing the toe-in-game over the next month or so to see what works best...my god they are great speakers.even if they didn't get any better i would be supremely happy but that they will is amazing...
..my new contriva diacera-ses continue to evolve with better detail..a smoother presentation and tighter bass....i added a 'flow' pc to my meitner player which also improved the presentation and soundstage...i can't believe that they will continue to improve..i currently only have about 16 hrs on them...now i'm listening 'to the music' instead of listening 'for the music'.totally enjoyable.
....~ 50 hrs on the se's now...the soundstage has both widened and deepened and the music is more liquid sounding...the instrumental decay is amazing and the instrumental tonality is 'spot on'....the detail retrieval is also superb.....cannot believe how almost magical listening to music is now...i just thought it was great before...stay tune for the 100 hr report..
contriva diacera owners....how much toe-in do you have in the position of your speakers...?...where are they pointing in relation to your head in your listening position...?..just curious..
...THEY WON'T...they are that good...mine continue to get better every week..now ~ 150 hrs...
tbg...too late....although only if i was interested in trying something else....the number of people who have heard these amps all agree that they are either the best SET or in one case 'the best amp' they have ever heard or in a small handful that can claim to be that good...my tidals sound so much better with the chalice amps then with the goldmund....i have never heard mids and highs sound even close to this good....and the bass is superb..i only wish that the 2 gentlemen who are 'chalice audio' were to able to get their amps in front of the right people to jump start their business...
...in case you think tidal speakers are difficult to drive, a friend of mine brought over prototypes of his/their new SET amp. they..tom willman and pres edmunds own 'chalice audio' ...a small audio company that argualbly makes one of the best SET amps in the world...not my thoughts but those of all who have heard their 'Grail' monoblocks...they are a 50 watt full input choke design with a recently upgraded filament supply that has made them even better then their initial product...anyway..their smaller model....the 'talisman' i think..is a 25 watt model. pres brought them over sunday to see how they compared to my goldmund 29m with my contriva diacera-ses...to say that both of us were shocked would be an understatement..they easily drove the tidals' with no obvious bass loss and were much more transparent ..detailed..liquid and all the other words used to describe great sound...i can't imagine what the 'grail' would sound like...one of pres' customers has tidal T1 speakers and pairs them with the 'grails' and recently had them upgraded with the filament supplies and thinks they may be 'the best amp in the world'..his words ..not mine...you don't need alot of power to drive the contriva diacera-se...this is now very apparent and the music is so much more natural..
the 'chalice audio' SETs...grail and talisman are very unique..unfortunately they are not well known as with some start-up companies they have had financial issues in this economy. the 'grail' easily drives most speakers and the sonics are incredible...the review in 'positive feedback' by adam goldfine..who had them before the filament supplies were added..was great. he thought ..as have others that have heard them..that they are one of the best SETs...one of the dealers who has heard them who also carries the highend audio note amps thought they were as good or better then the best of the audio note amps...the 'talisman' model that i am auditioning does easily drive my tidals and the mids/highs are just incredible...i do have to adjust the volume a notch or 2 up from what i was used to with my goldmund but that is all on most discs...the mids/highs just float and are so liquid and the micro detail of sounds i couldn't hear before are amazing...
..i have decided to buy the chalice audio 'talisman' amps i have been auditioning...what i hear with them is so amazing ...especially the mids and highs ...the soundstage and detail and depth of the sounstage is stunning..the music just floats in front of you....the image is perfect..surprisingly the bass is as good as the goldmund. i do have to turn the volume controls on my ' first sound ' preamp up 1-2 notches with every disc but am still in the 12:00 to 2:00 position at the most and most of the time still on the 8-10 position for most discs...if you go to their website ..chaliceaudio.com...they look ..exterior wise..exactly like the pictured 'grail' amps..they do not, however..have the full input chokes...never thought i would be a tube guy but this sound is to-die-for...even my wife noticed the significant improvement....the 25 watts ..easily drives the speakers..
charles..thanks for the comments...not having been a 'tube guy much in the past...although i did have otl tenors at one time....the sound from the chalice amps is just incredible....every disc i play is like hearing it for the first time...and the right way...really cool..!!!...more tonight
charles...the chalice audio 'talisman' set gives me the BEST musical experience i have ever heard in an audio system...it is truely amazing. i had a friend ..an audiophile...over last sunday to listen to the system. he had been over a month or so prior...to the goldmund driven sound...and after 10 seconds of the 'talisman' sound could not believe the improvement. he stated the same thing that it was the most lifelike musically sounding system he had heard.i can't imagine what it would sound like with chalice's 'grail' amps powering the tidals...the 25 watt 'talisman' is great...but the 50 watt ..full input choke 'grails ..would be unbelievable...pres edmunds..he of chalice audio...has told me that my amps could be upgraded to about 80% of the 'grails' which i may, at sometime in the future , have done...if you are, even the least bit interested in hearing how good the tidals can sound with these amps you are more then welcome to come and hear them..it really is a great sound...i am having a new entertainment center specially built for the system that should be ready in january and will be re-carpeting the room at that time also...can't wait...dave
tbg..i have had my 'shorting plugs' and the 'port plugs' in from the outset...what difference do you notice without them ...?..i will have to go home and try it without and see.i can't believe the sound could get better but i will see..thanks for the info..dave...'calloway'
quanmer...i can second the improvement the stillpoints ultra ss make..i,too, tried them after seeing tbg's review in 'stereotimes' and love what they do..there is much better detail and transient response.bass seems to be better also.
quanmer..calloway here. i use all 'argento' cables and, to my ears, they are superb...i am in the process of gradually upgrading all to the fmr versions. i have 3 fmr pcs and 2 flow pcs...the rest are smr speaker and i/cs..they are a great match for the tidals...i like them because as you go up the chain nothing changes..just everything they do well..and that is alot...just gets better...sorry for jumping in ahead of tbg...
quanmer...the fmr is more detailed..better bass and transient response...more transparent than the flow...both are superb but the fmr IS better..but not different...i have not heard the tara cables or cobalt cables..sorry...
bvdiman...calloway here...i, too, put my jumpers back in last night after trying them out for a day or two..i have kept the plugs out though as i have better bass without them...i agree with your jumper findings...
Bostonbean...calloway here.I first heard the piano ceras' last year at the axpona show in Jacksonville.one of the stereophile reviewers came into the room and stayed for 1 hour playing most of the discs he brought with him.one he played was a Mahler symphony ......he thought it was the one of the best presentations of the piece he had ever heard.he gave the room a ' best in show award '...yes they can do classical music.I plaid some of my classical music also. They are superb.are you in Boston?....reason I ask ..doug white of ' thevoicethatis.com' is in Philadelphia...or right outside pa. He has ...I think..a pair of the piano ceras' at his home...I bought my contrivas' based on my time spent at the axpona show listening to the pianos'
you haven't heard tidal speakers until you've heard them with chalice audio 'grail set mono block amps...keith..who has either the T1 's or the sunrays has heard most of the great amps with his tidals..including the tidal amps..and agrees with me on the 'grail' amps..email him at kt@innovations1.com...
focalfan....why don't you read the title of the forum again..obviously you don't understand the meaning of the word ' owners'...nobody on this forum cares what you think about tidal speakers...we all love them....we, as owners, are no more a 'cult' then porsche owners are a cult for liking their porsches.you like focal speakers...that's great..go find a 'focal forum' to infest.
audioblazer..i have the contriva diacera-se speaker and power them with monoblock SET amps and the bass is the most realistic bass i have heard. it does not overpower any of the other frequencies and is so natural.i listen to classical symphonies..heavy metal and most every other music genre..the tidal CDSE does everything perfectly...to me. i compared most of the speakers in the same price range before making my decision...as this purchase was going to be my last speaker ...so i wanted to get it as right as i could...i listened to the yg acoustic anat references ..magico q5 and lower models...wilson sashas'...marten coltrane's....accapella high violin.........and yes, focal speakers in the 'utopia' line..and others..and the tidals' just got everything right..they are considered among the best..for a very good reason...
maceear...i am not sure i understood your last post....the chalice audio 'grail' are 50 watt amps..is that what you were asking..?..
maceear..thanks for the reply. yes..they are the most amazing amps i have ever heard....thanks
argyro....having heard the wavac and owning the chalice 'grail' i can tell you they are much better then the wavac...very few people have heard the 'grails'... they are ..in the opinion of those that have heard them..possibly the best SET in the world.the bass with the 'grails' is superb...and the 50 watts easily drives them..and is super fast...it is a combination made in heaven...they aren't the average '50 watts'..that's one reason they are so expensive..
tgb....for what it's worth, one of the owners of the 'grail' amps did compare the 'grail' to the 'ypsilon' monoblocks and thought the 'grail' was much better...and bought them..
charles1dad...all very true....i couldn't have said it better...they are very special...and you are correct in all respects...
dev..'obviously not for everyone......' only meant that most people do not have the discretionary income to buy amps like these...it's all relative...of course it's alot of money but.....there are amps that are more expensive ...
argyro.....whether you believe in gravity or not....guess what...it still exists.it's pretty stupid on your part to make an assumption about a product you have never heard.to say that 'an SET amp will never do them justice in terms of drive'...is very narrow minded. i will assure you that these amps can 'drive' these speakers as good or better then most every amp known....at any cost.why don't you read the review on the chalice audio site by keith taruski who has T1 sunrays and matter-of-factly states that 'there is no better amp anywhere'...not my words...his..he also compared them to many of the best SS amps in the world...as he had the means to do so...including tidal amps...and still bought the 'grails'...i'm not trying to start an audio fight..but..it's naive of you to make such a statement about an audio product without ever having heard it....i can assure you..they are as good as keith says they are...and very easily drive my contriva diacera-se speakers to real world sound pressure levels with the nuances to expose the true sound hidden in any disc..record or computer file.i have heard tidal speakers driven by many amps and not any of the setups begin to come close to the tidal speakers being driven by the 'grail' monoblocks.
argyro...'so calloway you tell me that.......'....that is exactly what keith decided in his comparison...that is why he bought the 'grail' instead of the tidal amps..i will assure you that my speakers are 'properly' driven...by amps that are as good as any out there ..SS or tube...by the way..i am sorry for using the word 'stupid' in my last post..' my bad'