High End SS Preamplifier Ayre, EMM Labs, ML, or Pass

I have Clayton M300's that I'm looking to pair with a SS preamp to drive Von Schweikert VR-5 Anni's. Looking for opinions on Ayre KX-R/Twenty, Pre2, or XP-20/30 or other as potential options (ML). Interested in members opinions on possible options. Looking for that neutral, transparent, accurate tonal harmonic musical reproduction that isn't analytical, dry, lean, or fatiguing.  
I will differ. I think the ML 523 is outstanding in all respects. Blasphemy but I preferred it strongly to the latest 40k Dartzeel and it was playing in same league as the Luxman c900u in my system. I seriously doubt that Ayre is in another league. Then there's always the ML 52 if you want more of everything. However all you'll get here are fans of they're own equipment. Have to hear it with your own gear which can be difficult. I've had the good fortune to have owned all of the above except for the 52 and kept the Luxman but 523 was really really good. 
Sure full disclosure, At one time I owned an Ayre VX-R. I do currently own an Ayre A to D converter, which I think hardly makes me an automatic KX-R recommendation zealot.

on the other hand, I have actually heard it in both versions over long periods of time in what I believe to be good systems.

now having said that, in this class of gear, why not consider DAG and ML ?

i know of an excellent dealer in Atlanta that carries: DAG, ARC, Ayre and Aesthetix..... wow, that should consume a full day of listening....

OP - I hope you enjoy  the journey and the music !!!

best to all on this thread

EMM Labs Pre 2 and the latest iteration PRE, in my experience, are the best of the best. The best cost benefit ratio would belong to a used PRE 2 (available on the Internet).
I'm currently running an Ayre AX-5 Twenty (integrated amp.) After auditioning Ayre pre/amp separates. I would absolutely consider Ayre as a first choice if/when I upgrade to separates.

Customer support has been outstanding (no issues with the unit, just lots of curiosity and Ayre is willing to indulge me.) Great insight and guidance.)

I find myself listening for 4+ hours with no fatigue on a regular basis.

(I auditioned Ayre separates and Audio Research separates. And then later Ayre and Audio Research integrated amps. Bought the Ayre integrated.)
I find that a McIntosh tube pre amp integrates well into my system.  They are worth a look.  Besides, they hokd value like no other if you seek to change.  Let your ears decide and listen to your preferred choices if at all possible.  Enjoy the journey