Need a new subwoofer for music > HT in main room

Room is 24' x 15' with an opening for 2 hallways at one end. 9' ceilings.
NAD T760 powering Monitor Audio Silver 7i with Gold Center, no rears.
Room is far from empty (plenty of sound damping). Hardwood floors.
Currently have an old M&K 8" sub that should be relegated to less-demanding work - honestly it's fine for music - I just noticed it get a little unhappy recently during a movie, and later with some loud music. I need a little more, but not a TON. I do not want a situation where the bass carries throughout the house far exceeding the carry of the MA speakers.
Since I listen to mostly music and don't care about the whole extreme-home-theater bass-shaking experience so much, I'm thinking about the following subs:
  • SVS SB-2000
  • Hsu ULS-15 MK2
  • Rythmik F12-300
I was originally thinking about something from Monitor Audio (W12?), but from some reading it sounds like I can get a better sub for the same $$$, or as good of a sub for less $$$ (latter preferred).
There are a couple on the classifieds that caught my eye, but I know nothing about them.
Would appreciate being able to save $$$ and buying used if the sub meets my needs. Options include:
  • Axiom Audio EP500 v3 $375
  • NHT B-12d $395
  • NHT CS-10 $325
  • REL Acoustics R-205 $350
IMO you can't go wrong with PSA. Absolutely love mine for music! The customer service is the absolute finest I have ever experienced.
@mzkmxcv  Yes, I knew that.  I've spoken with Tom Vodhanel via email about their subs and he is super knowledgable and helpful.  I would say the same about Brian and Enrique at Rythmik.
Yes I agree with Rythmik and also Nathan Funk of Funk audio. Those were my top 3 choices.
Well now my head hurts. So much information.
So I've gathered a few things I THINK might be true(ish):
  • High-level speaker inputs are a great way to integrate the sub(s) with your mains
  • LFE is great for HT, and REL takes signal from both LFE and speaker-level inputs if both are connected for HT (not sure if others besides REL do this).
  • DSP (either built in as is the case with Velodyne, JL Audio, or external as with that 8033 doohickey) is a great way to make the sub work for your room/system
  • Not sure if it's possible to combine speaker-level input with DSP (that sounds like a great solution, but one would have to use attenuating (high resistance) connection from amp to 8033 and then low-level input from that to sub, and in addition to added cost, not sure if the benefit of high-level input is lost when using external DSP for sub)
With my reading, I've expanded my list of options (ugh):
  • Vandersteen 2WQ or V2Q (still working out the difference, but the article I read was interesting, and these sound like a universally awesome choice; hard to find used)
  • REL T9i (though worried about the passive radiator's effect on SQ vs. the S3 which is not in the budget unless I find one used)
  • Hsu ULS-15 MK2 (don't love the huge driver considering that I'm not really a HT person, or the lack of free shipping as many others offer. Also no continuous phase control)
  • Rythmik F12G/F12-300 (wondering if the cheaper 300 will meet my needs, but seems like a great deal. Lots are happy with the F12G)
  • Monitor Audio W12 (only in the used budget, high quality and fast/musical, but worried about lack of integration with low-level input only). ASW 110 and FB 110 seem like maybe better budget options if they integrate with my MA speakers, but definitely paying a premium for MA stuff.
  • Martin Logan Dynamo (lots of good rave review from those who own electrostats (fast, musical), but not too sure about a lot with this brand/style - haven't finished research)
  • Velodyne DD Plus (heard onboard DSP is good, but no speaker level inputs, so worried about integration)
  • JL Audio (I keep hearing good things, but I just can't wrap my head around wanting a sub from this company - too many adverse memories from my car audio days).

Thank you all for your input. If anyone has and advice on the current list or if I'm way off-base, or wants to chime in on my speaker-level input vs. DSP dilemma, I'd really appreciate it.
It sounds like most of these companies are currently pretty awesome at CS, and that REL and SVS, and to a lesser degree Rythmik, offer a great program to try out with little financial penalty.