CD ripper

I have a sizable CD collection that I would like to make DSD files from. 
Looking for a decent ripper. 
I have a pair of really old Bevridge System 3 speakers that badly need restoring so my current listening setup is:

Fostex HP A8C and Fostex TH900 headphones. About to order LS50s.  Not sure if I want to go passive or powered.

Is it necessary to spend much on a high end ripper?  Trying to figure out a budget.

I completely agree with EAC and the recommendations above. I have ripped well over 7k CDs this way. However, if you are looking for a fool proof, plug and play ripper that supports FLAC, checkout the Bluesound Vault II. It is a small footprint, about the size of a NUC, dead quiet and very easy to use. I had to get one to allow my wife to rip her copious CD collection as I did not have 4 weeks of free time to do it. It worked flawlessly.
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I ripped about 800 CDs into a Bluesound Vault2.  Most of them are fine but I do have a few that seems to have glitches.  I switched to using dbpoweramp ripping to a NAS for other reasons and now I am more careful about cleaning the CDs prior to ripping them and so far no issues.  Dbpoweramp definitely gives a fuller sounding copy compared with iTunes.