What define "musicality" ? And what constitute "musicality" in audio ?

I think that "musicality" is the most important factor and attribute in living audio experience... The experience of "musicality" i think, cannot be reduced to subjective factors only, nor objective one...It is more easy to describe what it is not, than to describe what it is, perhaps like the experience of God in theology...But for sure if you get it, it seems the most important resultant factor of your audio grid system,you feel it and like it the most...After 7 years i feel it more than ever...The urge to upgrade recess in the background because when you feel "musicality" already at a certain level, you dont believe that it is possible to push that level really higher at an affordable cost... "Musicality" for me, in my words, correlate with realistic musical timbre and voice, fluidity,no harshness at all, no fatigue, and last but not least, listening music and forgetting the sound...

This is my personal my experience, i am curious to read others about that,about their "way" and "means" to live that experience...Thanks to all...

musicality |ˌmyo͞oziˈkalətē|


tastefulness and accomplishment in music: she sings with unfailing musicality.

• the quality of being melodious and tuneful: his speaking voice hinted at musicality.

• awareness of music and rhythm, especially in dance: the audition panel was looking for coordination, musicality, and flexibility.

I dont want to argue about "musicality", it is only a metaphorical term that speak about some pleasure suddenly felt after some modification of an audio room or grid, by creative, inventive means or an intelligent purchase...It is an audio forum ,not a linguistic symposium nor a philosophical one... I am interested by you and your walk and particular road and experience in audio toward simple joy... Never mind snobism or stupidity, I only want to listen to some intelligent and sincere lived experience by anyone who has something to communicate apart his own prejudices and boredom or bad faith...I accept smiles and spirit...

By the way I own a Sansui, this is very good but not the holy grail except for the low price, my sex life is good for the past month and perhaps the new one, I had only the normal hearing loss linked to my age...
When I was young (20 years old) a friend of mine,older, introduce me to audio...Together we listen to classical music, on his homemade speakers, with relatively good amplifier(phase linear)… I dreamed years after that to listen my Bach on a good system with some "musicality" to my ears... My own system at this times was particularly minimalistic and not so good...

Then 45 years later, i succeed (relatively speaking for sure) to create some relatively good, for the price paid, audio system, even if i never had enough money to buy what I dream for in audio... To touch this dream then i read a lot on many audio forums for the last years, at the end, modulo some information, I succeed by wise purchase with few bucks to devise, with luck and mostly experiments, some audio system with a relative and satisfying "musicality"... The greatest improvements always comes from simple experiments with room and gear , way more than from the purchase of the amp,speakers,dac .etc For sure it is very important to buy the right product, but money dont buy necessarily audio "musicality" nor good taste,nor ears education... This is my simple history and the reason why I am interested by you and your own discoveries...I want to learn and read from you, simply that...Suggestions are welcome,observations are welcome...

If you want to say anything else,be like Geoffkait, always short and sweet, and most of the times funny...
@mahgister: "I am interested by you and your walk and particular road and experience in audio toward simple joy"

Okay, I'll bite. Others have heard this before. I have always been a music lover. I have always had some sort of 'system' but mostly low-fi. And for decades had great enjoyment of music on those low end systems. Usually on weekends.

Last summer I inherited a really nice system 16-17 year old system that had been languishing in a basement.  I wasn't even sure how to hook it all up....had never seen XLR cables or bi-wired speaker wires bigger than a garden hose.

The first try out of the system was disappointing. Sounded flat and low bass.

So I came to this site and got some advice about old gear that had been sitting a long time, room dynamics, etc. When I got all that right I was blown away. Dropped DirecTV and now listen to music every day. Mostly the same music as before just on a better system. I've been replacing a lot of that music which was mp3s purchased on iTunes with well researched and well produced CDs.

So what grabbed me? Transparency. The system disappears. Richness. Fullness. Ample soundstage. Separation. Precision without sterility. Nice highs without glare or being too bright. And one of the most important things to me: bass. Not thumpy boomy bass but tight, precise, well defined bass that is balanced with the highs and mids but still able to thump when it should. That's what keeps me coming back and what has given new life to the music I have always liked.
Ah! thanks very much N80..Very interesting read for me... Your history enlightened my day...Please would you described this miraculous inheritance... I am curious and hooked by your personal story...The story of each one of us is at the end the story of all...Thanks to you... Reading you I understand you so much...