To Sell or Keep?

I'm awaiting delivery of a Don Sachs Model 2 preamp, which should arrive tomorrow; it will be replacing my BAT VK-3i, which I have had for about 15 years. Here's my dilemma ... if I really dig the DS, should I sell the BAT or keep it? On the one hand, BAT equipment has become pretty expensive (new and used), so I likely won't be able to get back into it if I choose to do so later on. On the other hand, if the DS preamp is really as awesome as claimed, then the BAT likely will be placed in storage. What would you do if you were in my position? Thanks for your help.
Keep it. My personal experience is I regret parting with the majority of the equipment I sell. Make up a second system. Or a third. 
What I sold,i dont regret at all, my upgrade were to gain a certain minimum audiophile level... and I dont had the money to create my own historical individual museum...

Many people who sell are in the same way with a goal that is to touch the top...Cleaning is the secret to satisfaction, if you already had very good stuff, dont sell, clean the electrical line of the room or better of the house and the audio grid...This is the greatest of all upgrades for the majority of us...But alas! this truth is mostly unknown...I discover it by accident...The same system I wanted to sell yesterday is today so good that I cannot sell it or cost me under 1000 bucks all in all, but to upgrade it really will cost me around 25 thousand bucks...Cleaning is the secret...But cleaning is not easy and not a one-buy-product solution, it is more complex than buying...Read about cleaning before selling good gear...
Keep it.  You will want to change things up on occasion.   Also you are very familiar with the BAT and obviously like it.  A good reference for your new pre.  
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