Is a 12' X 16' room big enough for stereo?

Dear fellow audiophiles:
I am in the process of building a house. Our builder went over the floor plans with us yestreday morning and there is an bonus room which I planned on making a dedicated sound room, I am strictly into 2-channel stereo, and my speakers aren't that big, the Thiels CS1.5 driven by Pass Aleph 5. This room measures 12'X 16'. Not sure about the height yet. Is it big enough? What is your opinion?

It will be fine if you find that you speakers begin to over power the room change and go to monitiors such as Revel Gems or N805 just to name a few. I have a Krell FPB 200c B&W n803 and a levinson 39 and my room is only 17 x 12. It sounds great. A larger room would be much better but I am also looking for a new home. Also My room is a two channel setup also. Good luck Enjoy
No Problem. If you are going to ever move to real big speakers it could get to be a problem. There are other things to take into consideration as well as the room dimensions... flooring, walls, etc.