Tonearms with no anti-skate adjustment

I am in recent possession of a Grace 704 uni-pivot tonearm, which has no anti-skate adjustment. This is not optimal IMO, but should I really be worried?
 Moonglum, are you going to take your marbles and go home? I am very interested in your hypothesis. Please explain in more words. I am willing to be convinced. First of all, I want to be sure what you are saying. Are you saying that there will be no effect on vertical tracking force if you lower the pivot point of the tonearm? Or are you saying that vertical tracking force will go up? Also, if you can explain more thoroughly what you mean by a “restorative force” that would help.

I remember when Thomas Schick's tonearm was designed without antiskating, it was about 5-7 years ago when i bought my Schick "12. At that time the designer said antiskating is not needed for such a long tonearm. 

But now i can see on his website that All his tonearms are equipped with an Antiskating mechanism ! His distributor also have all his arms with antiskating now. 

Seems like Thomas learned a bit about proper tonearm design over the years :) 
Pleased to oblige.
Consider an old-fashioned set of weighing scales.
- The pivot point is high
- The CofG is below the pivot
- the scales are stable, balanced

Now if one of the pans is manually raised upwards then released, there will exist a restorative force. A downward force.
So to summarise, raised stylus = extra downward force.
Rasied stylus could be due to warp or change in VTA. Both apply.
Have a good day.
Maybe Schick was thinking about the fact that for longer tonearms, the tracking angle error due to non-tangency of the cantilever to the groove is less on average than for a "shorter" tonearm, all other things being equal.  But you still have headshell offset angle, and as we know, any error in setting up a long tonearm is magnified such that the resulting increase in tracking angle error can be worse than that of a "short" (9-inch) tonearm.  (We're all tilting at windmills in my opinion, because it is rare indeed to have any tonearm that is "perfectly" set up.)
Moonglum, In your model using a balance scale, the restorative force is gravity, acting to restore equilibrium once you remove the upgoing force you applied in order to raise the pan on one side.  At the starting point, where the two pans are level with each other in the same plane, gravity exerts an equal force on both pans, because they are equal in weight or mass.  So equilibrium is reached when the pans are level with each other.  Your upgoing force is tantamount to reducing the mass on the side that it is applied.  It is a momentary force opposing gravity. A tonearm is not entirely analogous to a balance scale, because it is supported at TWO points, at the pivot and at the stylus.  The stylus exerts an upward force on the tonearm equal to VTF. When you mess around with the vertical position of the pivot point and change nothing else, there has to be a shift in the fraction of the mass that is supported by the stylus (=VTF), vs that which is counterbalanced by the counter-weight, which can only exert a fixed downward force equal to the effect of gravity upon it.  The change in VTF is usually small, I admit, for the usual very small changes in VTA that one is trying to achieve.

The balance scale model is flawed as a model for a tonearm.