Isn't a wondeful time to be an audiophile?

With all the new lower or intro priced vs. performance gear coming out recently. And with choices of sources, CD/ Streaming. I'm just thinking of how it must be for the newly converted. I started out back in the mid seventies. Let's see,if I remember correctly - Phono, Linn. Ortophon Dynevector Audio Technica?  Reel to Reel, Cassette. Dolby filters. Ohm's F, Snell, JBL speakers. Just to name a few. But I am impressed with the performance vs. price ratio of some of the new gear I've heard. For which ever reason, technical, marketing, production. There are certainly I believe not only more products to choose from but the choices are more affordable as well.
A great time to be an audiophile, and a seemingly bad time to be inna. From my KLH Model 20 I bought in 1970 or something (had a groovy portable Sears rig before that, as my income when younger generally went to poor musician needs), to the amazingly high resolution gear I own now, it's a straight line upwards in the quality of the musical experience. I own used gear that displays an astonishingly high level of musicality, and some newer bits here and there that are relatively inexpensive and sound amazingly good. If any young person is put off by the wealth of information displayed on this or any other hobbyist site, they must be very young or have been kept away from a computer by luddite-like forces, because that's how all things worth knowing about (and some that simply are nonsense) are these days. I'm in a prolonged late life beatnik phase that's led me to more serious jazz both as someone who likes it, and, luckily, someone who mixes live concerts and attends shows here and there. Listen to "Band Menu" by Bill Stewart and if you don't think it's amazingly well recorded stuff, there is simply something wrong with you, or you're unable to assemble a listenable system. Period. So keep grousing "innas of the world," and I'll happily keep enjoying the art that's there for everybody to be enriched by.
I could've mentioned positive points as well but I knew others would.
As for whether or not or both it is good or bad time to be inna, it is a fascinating subject but outside this discussion.
One thing is certain, you can be audiophile in any time period.
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As far as formats go....with some care taken with your choice of equipment they all can sound incredible. Alot of today's mid priced gear smokes the best of what was offered in the 70/80s. Endless music choices at our fingertips is a blessing and a curse. Part of the joy for me is getting off my fat butt and go hunting for the gems for a and gear. I'm thrilled with my carefully chosen 2.5k system that gives me chills and makes me smile everyday. P.S. speaker break in is a real thing as I have witnessed it with my jbl studio 590s after many hours of playing last week they suddenly came to life and was a real pants crapping moment...DH