Time to upgrade or no

I'm using a Pangea ac9 mkll power cord on my 2 channel b&k.I was looking into a morrow map2 power cord as a upgrade would this be a worth while venture?
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What is your budget for a PC? I can’t speak to the Morrow cable, but at this price point the Pangea AC14XL is very good (I own one) and more revealing than the AC-9 variants. Once you move up to the next level in price and performance, you really start to hear the difference in SQ. A better sense of realism, increased detail, micro-dynamics, and imaging are presented. Also, the differences in sonic signature between manufacturers is easily realised. Audience, Furutech, Shunyata, Tara Labs, just to name a few, offer a significant upgrade in sonics and are  available used in the classifieds.

Morrow is worth a try; I believe they offer a trial period.
In addition to Pangea, at the budget level of good aftermarket cables are Cullen and Signal Cables which offer return policies. Plus, Wireworld offers some affordable cables that IMO are vastly superior.

Looking at around $200 
i have a b&k 7 channel that I use for ht that I'm going to move the ac9 on that amp.lookin for the best cable for the price and sound.
The ac9 is like a tow cable and it's so heavy to plug in on a stand of any height.
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Please explain; what is the power rating of the 2 channel amp and also the 7 channel. This info will help find a matching PC for each amp.