Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"

Just got in house for review for hometheaterreview.com Tekton Design’s new, The Perfect SET, which is close to 100dB efficient and never dips below 8 ohms, which Eric built to be used with SET "flea watt" amplifiers. It is a front ported design using a 12 inch woofer and his patented array of small transducers that function as a midrange driver with a single tweeter in the middle. I set them up in a system with a great 2A3 SET amplifier and found them so superlative I did not stop listening for over five hours! Taking about "goosebump time" the music was so beautiful that
I lost track of time.

These speakers have all the virtues of the other Tekton speakers, speed, utter transparency/micro-details, great soundstaging, and that special "aliveness" that I experience when I listen to my Ulf’s. What really amazed me was what the Perfect SET was delivering on the bottom end frequencies, subterrainian/taut powerful bass, that was shaking the room, all coming from at most 2.5 to 3 watts.

If you love SET amplifiers this speaker is a match made in heaven, and remember this pair just arrived and is not totally burnt in yet.

"Audio NUTS"........ !   HMMMM.. Maybe a compliment? Maybe not!

This is NOT business for the consumer ! Federal Per Diem is set rate. Gas per mile ! Food cost as well as hotel stay ! Write offs!
There has to be a better way than me paying $400 to demo and my time !
Maybe Tekton can sponsor an event. Send a pair of speakers to a individuals house with comparative or higher end speakers and advertise it as a Get together listening session. Host will be Reimbursed for the Ordeal (food, drinks, time) A neutral place to demo against and for ! Its up to the consumer to get there for free food and drinks as well as potentially world class listening !

Dealers provide that and head to head comparisons. I would like to know who Blindly buys something based off and opinion or review?
Like "Dec Fest" put on by Decware every autumn.They provide food and drink for the three day weekend and there is a variety of components to audition.Great idea for small audio manufacturers!
         It was only meant "audio nut" as a compliment and I also like the ideas that you propose but how many purchases have you made that have paid your expenses to buy them? I do like the Tupperware party of audio gear idea!
I am guilty as charged for buying many pieces of gear without first hearing them. There was the HCAT example and I also bought a few TRL modified CD players, AMR Cd-77, Lector Cd player, Supratek Preamp, Mapelnoll Athena, Well Tempered Turntable  and many others over the years. Some were great purchases and others were not so great. I am willing to take a chance based upon the recommendations of others whom I trust. Some of the poorer purchases maybe have been component mismatches.
In audio the best we can typically do is to go to shows and read reviews if there is no dealer network. There is much great gear sold this way like Triode Lab in Canada, Auric Audio, Don Sachs and others.  The Triode Lab 2A3 single ended amps are great.  I believe this is what Teajay is using with this new Teckton speaker. He used them also on the Double Impacts and they were an amazing combo.
I read the reviewers who I agree with in their taste of Audio. This is why Teajay has helped so many by bringing to light otherwise unknown manufacturers. Many have agreed with his reviews and find them relevant.  If others are interested I can post my impressions after I have heard the speakers. My taste is more biased toward classical and jazz  and gravitate toward tube gear. 
Following on @barany's comment....if you buy a piece of gear and like and and happen to find a reviewer who liked....or if you buy a piece of gear because a reviewer liked it and find out you like it, then you may have increased confidence that you and that reviewer have similar taste and expectations...its not a guarantee but a start...and maybe you trust his judgement going forward.

How many reviewers have a forum presence and make themselves known and have an open dialogue?  How many reviewers answer the numerous questions and comments they get at the bottom of the article?

In my opinion, we should be thankful to Teajay for putting himself out there and for being accessible.  And while we all have the right to disagree...we should do so respectfully and with our own hearing/findings.

In a better world, there would be more "fests" and free return shipping...and no doubt, the product prices would have to go up to cover those costs...and as we all know, there really are no "write offs" as they are really just added cost that have to be deducted from revenues thereby possibly reducing profits...if there are any.
Overall, I feel pretty fortunate with our ability to audition things at home...in the 80's when I started buying more serious gear, there were three high end stores in town (only one remains)...pretty much with these marketing strategies:

1.  No you can't take it home2.  Take it or leave it3.  We don't accept returns

So, if you bought it and didn't like in your home, you could advertise in the paper for several months...knowing that at best you would get 25% of what you paid.