Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"

Just got in house for review for hometheaterreview.com Tekton Design’s new, The Perfect SET, which is close to 100dB efficient and never dips below 8 ohms, which Eric built to be used with SET "flea watt" amplifiers. It is a front ported design using a 12 inch woofer and his patented array of small transducers that function as a midrange driver with a single tweeter in the middle. I set them up in a system with a great 2A3 SET amplifier and found them so superlative I did not stop listening for over five hours! Taking about "goosebump time" the music was so beautiful that
I lost track of time.

These speakers have all the virtues of the other Tekton speakers, speed, utter transparency/micro-details, great soundstaging, and that special "aliveness" that I experience when I listen to my Ulf’s. What really amazed me was what the Perfect SET was delivering on the bottom end frequencies, subterrainian/taut powerful bass, that was shaking the room, all coming from at most 2.5 to 3 watts.

If you love SET amplifiers this speaker is a match made in heaven, and remember this pair just arrived and is not totally burnt in yet.


Showing 6 responses by baranyi

Teajay shilling is a joke. The guy has reviewed more reasonable gear that all of us can enjoy than any other reviewer that I know. I can attest that Teajay might like Teckton but he has slain many of Audio’s more expensive sacred cows. The fact that he relishes finding audio bargains like Auric audio and Linear Tube (and Teckton) has helped me and many other audiophiles increase the enjoyment in our systems for relatively little money. By the way, I don’t own Tecktons. 
         It was only meant "audio nut" as a compliment and I also like the ideas that you propose but how many purchases have you made that have paid your expenses to buy them? I do like the Tupperware party of audio gear idea!
I am guilty as charged for buying many pieces of gear without first hearing them. There was the HCAT example and I also bought a few TRL modified CD players, AMR Cd-77, Lector Cd player, Supratek Preamp, Mapelnoll Athena, Well Tempered Turntable  and many others over the years. Some were great purchases and others were not so great. I am willing to take a chance based upon the recommendations of others whom I trust. Some of the poorer purchases maybe have been component mismatches.
In audio the best we can typically do is to go to shows and read reviews if there is no dealer network. There is much great gear sold this way like Triode Lab in Canada, Auric Audio, Don Sachs and others.  The Triode Lab 2A3 single ended amps are great.  I believe this is what Teajay is using with this new Teckton speaker. He used them also on the Double Impacts and they were an amazing combo.
I read the reviewers who I agree with in their taste of Audio. This is why Teajay has helped so many by bringing to light otherwise unknown manufacturers. Many have agreed with his reviews and find them relevant.  If others are interested I can post my impressions after I have heard the speakers. My taste is more biased toward classical and jazz  and gravitate toward tube gear. 
Cap, I have also been fortunate to visit Teajay house. He is one of my best audio buddies and have seen the evolution in his system over the years.  We don’t always agree on equipment but most of the time we agree on the merits of a piece of gear. Teajay called me the other day quite excited about this new speaker and I am hoping to listen to them shortly.

 While I have never bought a Teckton speaker, I think they are fantastic bargains. The Double Impact at around $3,000
is amazing for what it costs. I can make no comment on their business practices but it hard to believe that the margins in this speaker are large. Their more expensive speakers do have a dealer network and can be heard. You can visit Mike Kaye in the suburbs of Chicago to hear them. Another friend Dave Cox of Puckerbrush Audio is about to take on the line in Maine. There are probably other dealers in other areas as well. 
My point is in this internet world it is a different ball game without bricks and mortar stores.  As an aside Roger Modjeski in another current thread said that Bill Johnson of Audio Research threatened to pull the line from Modjeski’s store if he didn’t stop demoing ARC gear against other manufacturers! I guess even bricks and mortar stores are immune to outside pressures beyond paying the rent.   have been burned before buying gear based on enthusiastic forums (yes I even bought a HCAT preamp...yes I was one of those gullible types!)
I have no idea if the haters on this thread are competing manufacturers or have financial interests that are being hurt by the popularity of these speakers. It has been known to happen. The flip side is direct sales have made more gear affordable than ever before. You can put together a great system today for less money than before. 

The economics of  the higher end of audio have changed as well. Many of the most expensive brands are not catering to audiophiles but to the rich who must have the best (and most expensive) equipment. One of the largest retailers told me that these Icon brands are lifestyle products being sold to those lucky few that can spend 250k without reservation. I have seen ads where these customer’s trip to see the equipment will be subsidized upon purchase. I can’t imagine Teckton could afford this practice.

All I know is that Teajay is fair and balanced in his thoughts on gear. He is an audiophile first and he does not make his living in the audio industry. He is free to call them as he sees them! This is exactly what he does and it is a benefit to us all. Audio nuts like you and Jeff Day make this hobby more rewarding!
Guys give it a rest! Teajay is not paid by any manufacturer and is barely paid for his reviews. He simply loves affordable Audio equipment. Has anyone noticed the Coda amplifier thread where he gives similar superlatives to their new amplifier?  No one there is claiming Teajay is on the take there. Teajay prior to becoming a professional reviewer reviewed gear just on Audiogon giving his opinion of the merits of his latest purchases. The guy is a passionate audiophile like all of us. If you disagree with his opinion so be it,  but to disparage him because you don’t like the brand is insane. Teajay likes the latest versions of Teckton speakers and this doesn’t make him a shill or anything else derogatory. The motivation of those who are incensed by this review should be closely monitored. Teckton Perfect SETs are just speakers ..... get a life or get whatever speaker’s you prefer!

I was very fortunate to visit my good friend Teajay today and finally heard the Perfect SET with both the Threshold and the Triode Labs 2A3 amplifier. We started with the Threshold and the music was very good. The first thing I noticed was the Perfect SET  was not a small speaker at all and could make big sounds at all frequencies. I liked the system with Threshold and thought the system sounded pretty good using a solid state amp.
I have always liked the sound of tubes better because they sound more natural to my ears. Next came the Triode Lab 2A3 amplifier and I was literally shocked how good the 2A3 sounded with this speaker. I heard this amp on the Double Impact and it was terrific. The music was a bit sweeter and there was more meat on the bones as Teajay likes to say. I could have listened to the system like this all day. I connected with all the different types of music that Teajay played. In fact, I stayed too long and almost missed picking up my daughter! Everything just sounded a bit more natural with tubes. What I told Teajay is that you could feel the blood pumping through the musicians! The 2A3 amp played louder on this speaker than I would ever listen. It also had tremendous bass and treble.

Using this speaker with a flea powered amplifier is amazing!  The speakers disappeared and sounded lovely. With the piano black finish this speaker is about $2,000. It looks great and is a ridiculous bargain for the money! It is so good that with a 2A3 amp you never need ANYTHING better! Teajay was right on the money with this one. I have never owned Teckton speakers because I use the amazing Beveridge model 2 Electrostats speakers with direct drive amps from the late 70’s. The Beveridges are one of the best speakers ever made but If I were to start over these speakers with the Triode Lab 2A3 amps would be on my short list. Heck I liked them even better than Teajay’s big system! The combo is that good. It is amazing how much sound you can get for little money! They are as good in my opinion as any Teckton I have heard. Enjoy!