The Tragic Decline of Music Literacy (and Quality)


I appreciate folks writing articles and making comments but I have so many people turning me on to great music and something new every day I can't help but say "some aren't looking very hard and have limited system adjustability" to be able to make judgement calls.

I don't see a problem in recording nearly as much as I do with HEA playback.


In the last decade I had one former student graduate from San Francisco Conservatory with a degree in guitar performance (he's now working on a doctorate in composition at UT-Austin) and presently two more are doing wonderful things studying at Berklee School of Music.  People like this (who are extremely literate) are out there, but they are not the ones you see front-and-center at the Grammy's.  They are the ones in the pit or dimly lit in the background--the ones who make it possible for the stars to shine (for however long they get to shine).


I don't see a problem in recording nearly as much as I do with HEA playback.

>>>>Bingo! It has always been so.

schubert4,716 posts02-03-2019 12:17pmMost things are of their time, somethings are immortal !

>>>>Oh, you mean like Zeppelin? Elvis? 🕺🏻