Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
Harold in the barrel and Terry 9. I am also a happy owner of Vic's Terminator and Salvation with all of his modifications. In addition, I purchased a machined aluminum arm mount from Owen Young (Dark lantern) and will receive a graphite wand from Andrey tomorrow. I am not interested in the debate of linear versus pivot but I am very interested in the modifications you have made that improve performance Terminator/Salvation. I got the impression you two were going to take your further discussion regarding Terminator/Salvation off line. If you do not mind I would like to participate in that discussion.
Steve Gunther
sgunther et al who use the Terminator: The most knowledgeable guy I know as regards the Terminator is Dave Garretson.  He devised a novel way to reduce drag of the wiring on the movement of the arm and he also manufactured a novel arm wand with adjustable effective mass and reduced resonance.  All this was done under the aegis of Vic. Perhaps you know all this.  Dave is a member here.
Hello Gunther, well I´m not exactly in the barrel but as an retired gardener that is almost like ... Jack in the Green:

We will be delighted to invite you to join our little conversation ... in nearest pub : )
Thanks for the plug, Lew and Raul. Regarding Trans-Fi, I haven't kept up with Vic's latest innovations, but am all in on its excellent performance independent of price.  As a DIYer, I eventually migrated from the stock alum sled/cradle with knife bearings, to a customized assembly with point bearings and a lightened sled with a thin, reinforced carbon fiber shell around a foam core. The goal was to decrease horizontal mass, which in the stock setup is low relative to most linear tonearms but high relative to a pivot arm. To take things further, a friend with a medical instruments business fabricated a wand-less vertical bearing for the sled that accepts a standard detachable headshell.  This idea is versatile in terms accommodating interchangeable cartridges, but lightweight for low-compliance cartridges.  My overall experience is that Trans-Fi is at the intersection of commercial and DIY-- a fine and economical solution for anyone curious about linear tonearms.