How much difference does an anti-vibration audio rack make


I have just put together a Hi-Fi system. It's a two channel system consisting of B&W 800D3 speakers, McIntosh C1100 C+T Pre-Amp and two McIntosh MC1.25KW mono blocks. I considered buying a carbon fibre anti-vibration audio rack from Bassocontinuo (Aeon 2.0) but did not finally end up buying it due to the fact that there were two many racks in my living room which houses my Hi-Fi system. I am currently using a lovely solid wood TV cabinet to house the above equipment.

Question is whether the system gives me a sub-par performance due to the absence of a specialist audio rack or the difference is immaterial. I could not try it to determine as the carbon fibre racks are not stocked by the dealer due to the costs.

Or you could just use BDR Cones. Won't put a hole in your carpet and work much better anyway.
You obviously missed my BDR diatribe. You get used to things after 15 years. 😀 
Good luck finding the hole you poked in the floor with the punch and then fitting the spike into the hole you just made......four times. Makes more sense to place four spikes where you want them, put a board or something that will cover all of them at once and give the board a whack. But I don't really know anything; I used to know one thing but I forgot it.
+1, geoff, regarding non-stiff isolation racks. The designer of the Linn LP-12 placed his turntable on an old end table having four legs. Not exactly a rigid isolation solution.