Is it true that a digital cable has to acclimate to your system?

Just bought a Kimber Orchid AES/EBU cable and it doesn't sound good.  The seller advised me that a certain synergy won't happen until the cable gets used to the other components in your system.  
I am using a Bel Canto CD-2 for a transport and a Bryston BDA-2 for a dac.  The Audioquest Cinammon AES/EBU cable I have sounds much better.

thanks for any wisdom on this.
I use the Orchid and absolutely love it. Tried numerous cables from many other brands,but the Kimber is a keeper for me. And yes a little run in definitely improves its sound. Don't be so quick to give up on it. If in the end you decide to sell it, let me know I might want to purchase it ( what's the length).
It could well change tonally a little for sure, was it bought new or used?
If used it is unlikely to change to any audible degree
If you do not like the sound I cannot see it changing majorly for the better to your ears.
Every cable is going to be different in other systems and to other ears.
Give it a couple days sure but if you are not happy see if you can return although from the complete gobbleygook the seller already gave you they might not.
Unfortunately if nothing actually wrong and you just do not like the sound it would be very hard to force them to accept the return.
Play it nice and maybe they will.

Good luck!