If you could only keep 5 record albums, what would they be?

I am looking at my collection this evening and trying to determine my favorites.  If I had to narrow it down to 5 it would be: Dan Fogelberg...The Netherlands; Roy Clark...Yesterday When I Was Young; James Taylor...Flag; Talking Heads...77; and last but not at all least, Commodores...Greatest Hits. All oldies but goodies that I still enjoy listening to as much as when I bought them many years ago.
A Hard Day’s Night (Beatles, UK Stereo)
Pet Sounds (Beach Boys, 90’s stereo mix)
The Inner Mounting Flame (Mahavishnu Orchestra)
Goldberg Variations (Bach/Glenn Gould, 1981 )
Late Quartets (Beethoven/Guarneri Quartet)

Lets see...5...

1. A Clockwork Orange- It's got some good synthesizer music (I normally don't seek it out, but if we are on a spaceship, tumbling through the cosmos, it might come in handy when the martians get us). And of course it's got Ludvig's 9th!

2. John and Yokos 2 Virgins- put the cover over one of the windows. that'll scare most of the martians. Might be better NOT to play the album, never know what it might attract.

3. Blood Seat and Tears

4. Motown- Temptations or Miracles. Something to take me back to the days of being a kid, grinding on the pretty girls.

5. Gram Parsons- the Grievous Angel
1. Charles Mingus - The Black Saint & The Sinner Lady
2. Dizzy Gillespie - The New Continent
3. Oliver Nelson - Jazzhattan Suite
4. Baden Powell - Canto On Guitar
5 - OK, I’m going with Rubber Soul for my Beatles selection

I know it won’t be very popular. And you could argue the US version or UK, I guess. 

The five loudest and most vulgar heavy metal garbage I could find so 
I'd have to only listen to live music .