Pass Labs X350.5 Vs. Mark Levinson ML No. 436?

Looking for insight from folk's who experience with both amp's.
Would be connect to Theta Gen VIII and driving Dynaudio Temptation.

Thanks, Tomer


tell me more about the power specs on the ML No. 436 amp.

Happy Listening!

Either will do, and with your speakers being 91db.
You only need >100w into 8ohms to make them, work (more the merrier), and they're not too seriously hard to drive either, I would suggest the better sounding XA versions of the Pass stable, for the extra class-A they give and better sound. 

"Stereophile: Its impedance (fig.1) is moderately difficult, with a minimum value of 3.1 ohms at 120Hz and a demanding combination of 4 ohms and a 42 degrees capacitive phase angle at 80Hz"

Cheers George