Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3

Have just ordered a pair of Magico A3, and looking for integrated amplifier to pair with it. As I heard once which had a very disappointing result to pair with Gryphon 300 in a local Hifi show in Hong Kong. Reallly looking for recommendations on matching amplifier. Planned to get a Marantz PM-10, but worried that the single box may not be powerful enough to push the A3. On the other side, some said Hegel H360 with 4000+ damping factor may suit even better.

thank you in advance

That advice may have been valid 20 years ago but not today. There are MANY good integrated amps at several price points that rival or exceed separates 
  • I own a World Class Vitus SIA-025 MKll, yes the $25300 US integrated amp. I’ve owned may separates and this betters them all. I agree separates better 99% of integrated amps, but not all. If possible go a Vitus dealer and check it out. I use to be a.doubter, till I bougt one of these Vitus SIA-025 MKll integrated amps. These amps are built to last a lifetime, and uses best to possible components in the World. The sound is incredible to say the least. No Short Cuts. The price for sound and quality is a bargain at $25K US.

I will audition the Magico A3 soon. My considerations for amplification are the Hegel H590, Vitus RI-101, and Gryphon Diablo 300. Of these, the only one I can hear with the A3 is the H590. I would appreciate any feedback on how these amps will sound with the A3, and which one is best recommended. Just FYI, I listen to a wide range of music but for classical.
You can also try out Lyngdorf 2170 or 3400 at your home.

It can be hit or miss, that is , dependent on system.

It works like magic with Vaughn Cabernet speakers but not a good match with Lansche 4.1.

Another nice thing is it also works as excellent Dac and room correction.