Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
That's all consistent with what I've heard. It was down to the Ohm's or the Totem Arro's when I bought my new speakers a couple of months ago. The Arro's are still breaking in, admittedly, and I wouldn't say I'm feeling "buyer's remorse," but I now kind of wish I'd tried the Ohm's first.
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I bought them and returned them. They do great parlor tricks when set up properly but overall not very revealing. I suspect many would be happy with them but for me they were so-so.

Good point about buying used. Actually, that was my original intent, but to maximize WAF I needed the Arros in black and couldn't find anybody selling that color on A'gon. I am tempted to do what you say and bring the Ohm's in for the audition.


How as your experience returning them to Ohm? Any hassles? And can you explain what you mean by "parlor tricks" and "not very revealing?"
gotta respond to 'not very revealing'. the ohm line has a 'decades old' history of going for a neutral/balanced presentation. they favor no frequency. the 120 day trial is a chance to live with playing lots of music. many speakers(hi end and other) are designed to dazzle you with certain frenquencies (the real parlour trick). the ohm's only trick(which is no trick at all...just using the room intead of fighting it) is the 'sweet spot', which is 'everywhere'. you could spend 3 or 4 times more, and get less. it would hold its own with the forrest or staff from totem, and yes i like totem a lot. if you like all kinds of music, and don't want to worry about buying only those cd's or lp's deemed audiophile, you're home free(except for the cost of the speakers) with the micro tall. give to arros a chance certainly, but once you go ohm, you will likely find out why they still ring a music lover's bell.