Good, Affordable Horns?

I've often thought about adding a pair of horn loaded speakers, like say a pair of Klipsch La Scala, to my collection, but I've not heard enough horn loaded speakers to really know the differences, or what works and what doesn't. What are some good ones for under say $2K? What do these give up say compared to some of the larger and more expensive horn loaded speakers I've seen in AUdiogon user systems? The Jadis Eurythmie are one such pair I've seen that appear out of this world, but also must cost a small fortune.
Mapman, after reading another post of yours(why not horns), I want to say that the Klipsch Lascala(with my cabinet mods to eliminate any box ringing,as stated by another), is so close to doing so many wonderful things that conveys the true essence of music, that they may be the "as close to perfect" of a horn speaker, particularly at their used prices and reasonable size......again, this is my opinion, having owned a lot of speakers and listening to much much more over the years......thank you....Mrd
Unsound, it is people like you that I feel do unjust to forums. Read my last post on "Why not horns".
Mrdecibel, I tried to respond to your post on the "Why not horns" thread, but the moderators have held it up. Sorry for the confusion. That post was a joke aimed at the title of the thread, not you. I hope you can accept my apologies for unintentionally offending you.