New Look for Audiogon hard to work with

Is there a way to undo the "tile" look? It was a lot easier to work with the text list. 
Just adding another request to get rid of that stupid port hole over the thumbnail of the listings. 
I suggest the default view be the "classic view" without needing to sign into the site. 
I see Audiogon has really listened to their users comments. Nothing has changed and that stupid porthole or view through a port a potty view is still there. Nice audiogon!

Audiogon has listened to their users.

For those users who do not like our new listing layout.  You can go back to our classic view.  This option is on our search page.
This option was added only two days after the new release.  We also sent an email about it.  Please contact support if you are not receiving our emails so we can assist you.