Why is Oppo stopping products.

Just went to their website and they are no longer making new products. 
@audiostick, OPPO website has a working registration for 203/205 listed under product support.

Would that be Asians from the Indian subcontinent? Asian-Americans? Khmer? Thai? Hmong? Han Chinese?  

Most readers know (and you probably already know) how ridiculous your generalization is. 
" Asians think in terms of decades, Americans about 4-5 months tops."

     I think a more accurate statement is that Chinese and Russian communist governments tend to think in terms of 5 and 10 year plans and that capitalists tend to think in terms of as many years as possible while still having faith in the reliability of their projection models.

The timing is VERY suspicious.... just weeks into the "trade war" and Oppo dumps its California design team into the Pacific...... both my Oppo players have labeled on the back "Oppp Digital, California, USA".... but of course somewhere else it says made in China.  It seems to me they are cutting some US ties.