Equi=Core 1800

Anybody know anything about these things, Equi=Core 1800/Core Power Technologies? Are they any good? Not looking to buy snake oil. Considering possibly purchasing without auditioning to run Levinson 23.5 amp, Proceed AVP 2, Ayre Codex DAC, Proceed CDD. Anyone? Thanks

All, I have been on CPT's case for a while and have posted such on various OP's complaints. Being in Australia, I need 240v versions, I only have email access (or posts like this) to communicate what is obviously a frustrating wait for many of you.

I have been in constant communication with Mark and I am confident that the rollout will commence very shortly. I think CPT, and Mark in particular were swamped with the orders for products which promised much, but needed much revision and re-testing. Mark has also suffered physically, most likely from the foreboding job facing him, and a small concern as CPT, which I am sure will grow along with their reputation.

I will be proud to be the first recipient of the 240v versions of all CPT products and plan to give them a rigorous shake down. All I can do is wait for mine, and I am way down the list somewhere, and hope you get yours asap too.

Cheers A.

Yes, the 1800 I received way back.  Pulled the plug on the hopes of the Deep Core. I wasn't going to wait this long and even longer. I haven't followed their past much lately. I think they're still waiting it's arrival.
I considered buying an 1800. Concerns about the company’s survival kept me from pulling the trigger 
 @tlong1958 CPT has been bought by Dan Wright of ModWrights. I suspect there will be an announcement from Dan regarding the future of CPT's product line. From my understanding, all products will be developed and shipped to existing customers prior to accepting new orders as the process has not been finalised.