To Finish modding or not

I have a pair of Adcom GFA 565’s. They have been modded By Musical Designs. Mini Elite it was called years ago. And it really made a difference. A/B comparison to in Modded was incredible. I know if I finish the next level of the current mods they will be better. How much better I am not sure. Have ran then next to a Krell KSA 250 and they held their own. So do you guys feel doing the next step would be worth it? About $1400 is roughly what I am looking at. Some like mods, some don’t. Some like Adcom and some don’t. Lol.....  I’ll be driving a set of Maggie 1.7’s. Also how do you all feel about the Mcintosh MC 7150? 
After market mods are worth about .10 cents on the dollar at re sale.Unless you are emotionally attached to your amp sell it and move on.
Ok, thanks for the input. I do love the 565’s...... And have compared them to a KSA 250 running some big Gilmore’s and some Maggie’s. They held there own. Best the Krell in many ways. But overall the Krell was more refined. I know the mods aren’t worth much. Many  have been surprised how they sound. But I have been looking towards tubes and a hole host of different amps...... ummmmmm......... Probably right I should just move onto the next horizon. 
I can get a chance to get a MC 250 cheap..... Normallly wouldn’t go for Mac stuff. But the price is right. Not sure this is step better to drive down Vandersteen sig 2 car or not. 
I say go for the mod.  Easily the best way to improve the sound of your system for reasonable money.  Most of our gear is ripe for significant SQ improvements with some well executed mods and part upgrades.  Musical Designs upgrades are fantastic and he is known to make amps that play with the big boys for reasonable money.  Upgrade it and hang onto it and enjoy for many more years.  
I would not do the mods, because these will not be your last amps, and you will never get the return when you sell them. What is upstream to the amplifiers that you feel they are the weakness ? Enjoy ! MrD.