Just Got My Oppo 205!

So - I wanted an Oppo 105 for about 3 years and when I heard they were closing it down, I popped for the 205 through Amazon. Got one of the last ones. I’ve owned some very good CD players - Naim CD5x with flatcap, Naim CDX2 with Supercap, Doge6, Lector and my current EAR Acute. So how does the Oppo compare you might ask. Well, it is new and I expect some improvement, but my first impression is - flat, sterile, uninvolving, compressed and basically lacking in musical texture. I’m just being honest and letting you know that this thing is no great shakes and certainly nothing to lust after, IMO. I happened to need a new DVD player anyway and, as I said, I have no doubt it will improve, but these are my honest first impressions that I’m sharing with you just in case you think you need to run out and buy one. Of course, I may (and I hope) I will be surprised at a vast degree of improvement with break in, but somehow I doubt it will ever improve to the level where I sell my EAR. All that said, I remember having an old Oppo 981 I think it was, that did a very credible job with SACD, so I’m thinking that the 205 will come around. I’ll let you know.
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I bought one of the last open box 205's from Best Buy in May.
Havnt run 4k disc thru it yet, but have listened extensively to my Hi Rez (88 to 192KHz) music collection thru it's USB input.

Agree w OP.  HP output pretty good and sonics thru my HT system are step up from my 105.

Not at same level as my Esoteric K-01x spidf input fed by my Win10 music server, but for 1/15th the cost, is a really good value.   

Am on the list for a June production one that i plan to use in my other house's 4 k HT system.
Oppo makes/made fantastic 4K bluray players. Best in the market.
If you’re serious about 2ch, you should look elsewhere I think.
I got the 205, and I concur it does take a substantial break in...just like any other "good" piece. 

I bought it mainly, because my transport (Data II) took a dump, and I wanted 4k for my new 4k TV. 

I haven't messed with it too much, connections and filters and such, but I think the humble old Theta Prime II betters it for 2 channel. It doesn't SEEM to be as good a transport as the Data II, but I don't have it to compare, and it's a different system, so my opinion is unreliable. 

But, it's 1300 bucks. Really. For 1300 bucks, it's quite good...not bad at CD playback for that price, plus ALL the other stuff it can do. 

I mean really...1300 bucks, man.
I found that it sounded significantly better after being on for a few hours.  I was hoping to leave it on all the time, but it gets a bit warmer than I am comfortable with for a 24-hr/day thing.  The Oppo PM3 phones sounded very good through the headphone jack, which is really what I was looking for, as opposed to having to fire up an 845 tube amp for an hour before listening.