New to DAC, need advice.

I recently purchased a Parasound ZDAC here and it worked well for a short time but then started acting up with short, intermittent bursts of static while streaming Tidal. Then for a day wouldn't play certain parts of the music such as missing a guitar or piano notes. After contacting Parasound they tell me it's a circuit issue. It's out of warranty and they are offering to have me ship it there for repair. It's been error-free for a few days now and in the mean time it's been recommended to me by Jim Williams of Adcom modification fame that I should consider the Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 Digital DAC. It's roughly twice the price I paid for the ZDAC but if I send it in for repair, with shipping, I'll be right around the price of the Pro-ject DAC new, and it can decode MQA files where the ZDAC can't. So I defer to the community here. What's my best option on a limited budget?
I streamed Tidal (in Win7) over a .7m Oyaide Neo d+ Class A USB cable to a Pre Box S2 digital for a month, replaced with a Node2 yesterday. What a difference, everything is now so alive and involving, the interplay (timing) and emphasis of threads within the tapestry is now so distinct, I can see into the music without trying. The sense of musicality is so engaging.

With the pro-ject, I enjoyed MQA cuts more. Now I just don't seem to care, it's all just so enjoyable. I'm thinking that not going through the USB interface is what is making the difference.

Next, will try feeding the digital node2 signal to the Pro-ject and see what happens.
@stray_cat, thanks for the response. Several people above recommended the Node2 as well. I went with the Pro-ject at the suggestion of a trusted source. Now I'm wondering if I should give the Node2 a shot. I'm very curious about the Node2 through the Pro-ject.
Ok @ratboysr I did it, but couldn’t duplicate the conditions. Listened from the same space this time, at lower levels. The volume was much higher yesterday while I was throughout the house going about my business.

I sensed the pro-ject’s sound is more refined and tonally seems more correct, ie: piano, wood strikes, etc. (unamplified instruments) but need to do more critical and AB listening. The musicality is still there, but different experience at lower levels, with different music. Toslink out from the node2 so no MQA full unfolds.

I’m also almost sure that the node2’s output/voltage swings were slightly higher.

I’m more impressed now with the pro-ject’s performance fed from a hardwired node2 instead of a computer. Seems more alive and I *almost😀* don’t care anymore about MQA.

Oh, I never wired up my win7 laptop, was streaming Tidal wireless to it. Very happy camper with both..for now lol.

@stray_cat, now you've really piqued my interest in the Node2. I've been extremely happy with the Pre Box over the ZDac, especially MQA files (there's a significant upgrade in details in these files), but you never know what you're not hearing until you hear it. Please let me know what you find in your AB testing.
Didn't need too much work to decide: Node 2 is much more engaging/inviting to listen to, in spite of the pro-ject's (in my room with my music and ears yada yada) better tonality and "cleaner" sound. Music through it is so alive, bass so tuneful I can't help but nod my head and tap my feet with the music, and the deepest bass I've had in *this* space. There is a "rightness" to its delivery bottom to top. I detect no glare, brightness, or fatigue (like the pro-ject).

I've read reviews on gear where the reviewer hardly had notes because he was into the music so much, well.. that's the effect it has on me.

I *know* and sense it's not perfect.. but don't seem to care, all that matters is the mood is coming through from whatever's playing. Introspective, upbeat, playful, tragic, etc.

 Funny thing, I was clueless how or where BluOS got or compiled a random list of tracks and artists I never heard of before and played it without my input but I *got* that music too (my wife took over from her tablet lol).

I'm using cost appropriate AC power sources, Pangea 14SE MkII w/c7 connector Cord off my older micromega myDAC fed by an antique US made Tripplite LC1500 Conditioner I've had in my main rigs since '85.

Node2 rocks! I encourage you to try it for yourself.