???Who Wants To Be A Guinea Pig???

There is a thread regarding the demise of HEA that is getting some play right now...I debated putting this in that thread as it directly relates to the subject but decided it warranted a new thread...
Recently shopping for new speakers I came across an add here on Audiogon...Beautiful compact monitors,perfectly sized for my needs & highly efficient..."Hand Made"in a former Eastern Block country & priced WELL over $2000.00U.S. these speakers were brought to market 5 years ago!There was 1 favorable review 5 years ago that has vanished from the net...NOT A SINGLE word from the industry in 5 years,not even in the Eu...There are also dubious claims of bass down to 36hz.which will rewrite the laws of physics & speaker design...
I made an low,but IMO, fair offer considering I would probably be the very first buyer in the USA.I provided a detailed explanation of why I felt my offer was fair.I offered to break them in properly,provide a complete review from start to finish & NEVER divulge the price I paid...The seller didn’t even have the common decency to reply & try to explain why he couldnt/wouldn’t meet my offer...
So the add still runs,the price stays the same RIDICULOUS asking price,a possibly fine choice of speakers for the low powered amp.fans goes unnoticed &(the tie in to HEA death)the Manufacturer circles the drain & threatens to become just another foot note in HEA...Doing a bit of digging I find several manufacturers over the last few years that started the same way,NO exposure,NOTHING whatsoever to give consumer confidence to the purchase & WAYYY overpriced in todays market...They are all ghosts now!
If HEA is to thrive in the coming decades small equipment manufacturers better recognize that the gulf between HEA & so called entry level gear has all but completely vanished & if they want a foothold in their chosen market they damn well better start pricing gear according to what the consumer can tolerate!
Companies like Dali,Monitor Audio,Wharfedale,Cambrige Audio etc..already know this to be true.Just look at the shear number of so called "entry"level gear reviews that are not only positive but glowing..
Nobody likes a lowballer...no matter what the reason. It's annoying and ignoring it is usually the best policy.
^^^So you would just pony up to be a guinea pig then?Or just pass as I did,which eventually will kill the manufacturer,my point exactly..
Oh IMO there is a BIG difference between lowball & FAIR!

Like you said, compact, highly efficient, and deep bass extension don't go together, and I'd wager more that a seller with no review history who doesn't respond to questions is more likely to be pulling stuff out of their rear for ad copy than to have somehow found a way around Hoffman's Iron Law.  

It's easy to build speakers.  It's damn hard to build quality speakers at a price the market will bear and to successfully run a business selling them, which is why the industry is littered with so many defunct brands.  


Tell me the asking price, and the offer you made, and I'll tell you if you were lowballing him.