Dahlquist DQ-1LP crossover owners


I am interested in a Dahlquist crossover that is for sale. The owner is not very familiar with it. Does anyone know if if it gives the 6dB/octave bass response boost that dipole subs need.

Bass from dipoles naturally rolls off. So a dipole bass driver has to be EQed up (6 dB/ octave) as frequency goes down.

Please advise.

Best regards,
Hi bdp24,

I have just received an email from a First Watt dealer.

He said that the B-4 is a two-way crossover. If you want to have three-way active crossover system, you will need two B-4’s and connect them in a cascading fashion. A “6 dB boost” of sorts can be achieved by attenuating the top-end(s) and having a linestage preamp with more gain (if needed) or power amps with more sensitive inputs (if needed).

The B-4 and set up is complex. I agree with Nelson Pass who has said that with active crossover a person “needs to know where they are, where they are going, and when they’ve arrived.” Crossovers with millions of combinations are not for everyone. I agree with him after reading the owners manual.

I will go with the Rythmik OB.

Happy Memorial weekend.


Good decision. You get not only the Rythmik dipole-cancellation compensation shelving circuit, but a great sub power amp, x/o, and other controls (phase, damping). The Rythmik plate amp is available in a couple of iterations: 370 watt, 600 watt, and dual-channel 400 watt. It is also available in both single-ended/RCA and balanced/XLR form.
I planned to run a Kinergetics sw200 amp and 2 sw100.5 speakers to an lp1 cross over to a forte model 3 amp /forte model 2 preamp. This string made me wonder if it will work . Would someone explain dipole cancelation and 6db octave boost.?  The speakers are dq10s.
thankyou Brian