Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
@geoffkait - There’s a lot that is known, but- like I said, " Thus far, there’s no known metric, for most of the subtleties that wires and fuses can out...". No one has actually observed photons, in a conductor, either. And- like you said, " Nobody has stepped up to the plate and answered the burning question, “Do photons have mass?” Electrical Theory is called such for a reason. There are a few, "Laws" regarding electricity, but- still much that is theorized. and Often, the more you learn, the more you learn you were wrong:
@ieales- Wouldn’t it be nice, if phase anomalies were the only problems/issues, that we had to address, in out efforts for good sound? Again- So many variables.
@geoffkait - There’s a lot that is known, but- like I said, " Thus far, there’s no known metric, for most of the subtleties that wires and fuses can out...". No one has actually observed photons, in a conductor, either. And- like you said, " Nobody has stepped up to the plate and answered the burning question, “Do photons have mass?” Electrical Theory is called such for a reason. There are a few, "Laws" regarding electricity, but- still much that is theorized. and Often, the more you learn, the more you learn you were wrong:

>>>I’m afraid this should be filed under Whatever.
Yes many, many factors contributing to the final sound.  Someone I read recently compared putting together a good audio system to cooking.  With many ingredients in the recipe, it's their combined interaction that determines the final taste...good or bad.  The character of one ingredient in isolation from the others isn't a reliable predictor of the end result.  

One other "analogy" that might be relevant to the differences some can hear with wire changes:
I've heard it said a mother can recognize the cry of her infant from a chorus of others.  If that's actually true (no idea), might there be a parallel in the subtle (or not so subtle) differences some hear changing wire, or fuses or [fill in the blank] in systems they are very familiar with?

Couldn't resist...

I've heard it said a mother can recognize the cry of her infant

Not sure about humans, but definitely true in many animals.

Changing wire is no mystery. Differences can be predicted with math. Audibility, not.

Jury is still out on fuses other than acting as non-linear resistors until shown mathematically and all other possible causes are adequately controlled.

@rodman99999 My comment on phase was not to suggest that it is the only important parameter but that it is so very important and largely ignored. Next year it will be half a century since Richard Heyer's seminal paper "Loudspeaker Phase Characteristics & Time Delay" and yet speakers are released every year that can only be described as incoherent.