Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.

Showing 5 responses by ghosthouse


Nope...not a naysayer.  Last night at 11:22 when I posted that comment, it was an accurate post count for one who is.    

Not to be a curmudgeon, but when reading endorsements like that I do wonder if Eastside Sound paid for the cabling or was it provided for "promotional consideration"?  However I do agree, whatever the reason for their use of Nordost cable, they definitely ain't the only studio using something other than generic pro-audio cable.  

Doh!  Sometimes you gotta hit me in the head with a wake-up-stick.  I'm with you now.  Yeah...that's a low count compared to some of the deniers.  It's amazing to me how exercised some people get over what other people HEAR!   
Yes many, many factors contributing to the final sound.  Someone I read recently compared putting together a good audio system to cooking.  With many ingredients in the recipe, it's their combined interaction that determines the final taste...good or bad.  The character of one ingredient in isolation from the others isn't a reliable predictor of the end result.  

One other "analogy" that might be relevant to the differences some can hear with wire changes:
I've heard it said a mother can recognize the cry of her infant from a chorus of others.  If that's actually true (no idea), might there be a parallel in the subtle (or not so subtle) differences some hear changing wire, or fuses or [fill in the blank] in systems they are very familiar with?

Couldn't resist...