Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)

Let's give a shout-out to those very small speaker companies that make excellent products.  I'm thinking of true one-man operations (owner-designer-maker) as well as very small ones (owner-designer + a very few employees).

My nominees: Ryan, Prana, Philharmonic, Fritz, Watkins, Vaughn, Chapman, even Daedalus, Salk, Selah.

Who else belongs in this list?

How do they manage to compete with the "big boys", in quality if not in quantity?

@prof - you asked about the Boenicke sound.   The Boenicke W8 which I home demoed had the most spacious, 3 dimensional sound I have heard.  And this was not even the SE model, just the base version.   And so easy to listen to: not warm as such but very natural.  They liked all types of music too, strong on classical, jazz, rock, weakest on electronic, but that is relative as they were still good.  Bass is controlled - I suffer from a boom in my room, these speakers did not activate the boom. Amazing that such a sound comes from such a diminutive speaker.