Thoughts on the most difficult instruments for speakers to reproduce?

I’ve heard a number of speakers over the years, and the sounds of some instruments never seem as realistic as others. I would love to get some opinions on this, as I’ve been wondering about this for years.

My my vote on the toughest:
- Trumpet with mute (good example is Miles Davis)
- Alto sax
- violin (higher registers)


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(jmcgrogan2, you’re dead on about massed strings and digital. I did some compares and you’re right the difference is striking. Goes to show that dig, though getting very good, is not yet on par with vinyl).

Sorry to disagree with you but have you ever heard a 32bit / 192 master recording of massed strings. If not then you can't say vinyl is better, even well produced SACDs of orchestral strings can be superlative. It is usually the playback equiptment that does not perform to par. A lot of people think nothing of spending many many thousands on analogue playback gear and sometimes a couple of grand if that on digital gear. Some people even think an i phone is ok to play digital on. Can you even imagine how much jitter is being produced from those things. For too long the rivalries between vinyl and digital carriers have been goin on and people don't realise they are two completely different carriers. I say that if someone spent the same kind of money on a top tier digital system then the goalposts would be changed forever. No most people spend large amounts on one carrier and not on two. And of course there is the old chestnut of some people don't want to rock the boat by saying that yes it must always be vinyl but don't forget some people used to say shellac was better than vinyl and soft needles were better than hard when it came to massed violins on 78s. I have heard 32/192 master recordings , I have even made some and I have between my computer and CD player a huge amount of money invested and I have been hard pressed to say I have heard vinyl produce a breathtaking dynamic range and all round atmosphere that my digital system. I am not saying every one can have that kind of system because it demands parts and software that are second to none. But do remember jitter or the suppresion of it is just about the most important thing to slay in digital.
Most real instruments sound horrible in most speakers, specially in digital recordings which sound horrible bright, thin, edgy, sometimes not even within the note, like a good $20k hand made Spanish guitar, piano sounds harsh, violins sound thin & harsh, cymbals without extension at all, toms not silky at all, bad bass drum, electric piano without proper decay, well the list goes on and on. 
@glow_worm, I am assuming you are a Miles Davis fan, as am I. A real test for any speaker ( system really ) and an awesome musical experience is Miles's " A Tribute To Jack Johnson ". Could be my favorite of his ( although he has an amazing library ). There are 2 editions I am familiar with. A 1992, and a 2005, both on Sony. I prefer the performance and mix of the 1992 release. If you do not have it, it is a must. Enjoy ! MrD.