simply starting with a quality power cord, next an Audience power conditioner, next interconnects, finally speaker wires how each step most certainly made a difference-for the good.I've been to similar presentations where they were playing music I'd recorded and mixed and thought "This guy's nuts! It's different but definitely not better."
Almost assuredly, the source material and the substituted components were not picked at random. By careful cable and component selection it is possible to replace the same parts and have it make absolutely no difference or make it consistently worse.
Such demos lack any standard for rigor and should be viewed with extreme caution.
Cables and components interact. A cable may make a system better for some and not for others. The only way to tell is to listen in your system on a wide range of program over an extended period. Discount store demos and marketing hype before expending great sums. If stating same is trolling, so be it.