Opinions on best integrated under 10k?

Father Christmas has been early and left me a very sizable bonus check!
So time to spend it before the other half can....

Looking at building another system but thinking of just a very high power integrated amp.
Wish list...
200w or more.
Balanced inputs
Digital inputs
Phono inputs

A quick look shows items like McIntosh ma7900 and Mark levinson ml585 which both seem to fulfill all or the majority of my wants.
Sure there are others.
So thoughts and any current or previous owners of suitable candidates please chime in
Thank you in advance

Just pulled the trigger on a used (9/10) 2170.  All this Lyngdorf talk put me in "buy" mode.

Excited to give it another shot.  My TT and Phono stage have changed since the last time I was using the 2170.  Maybe better results this time, and if not I'll have a great start to a second system...

That's what I'm telling myself, at least.
 I am sure you will enjoy it...again, maybe this time round the vinyl will be to your liking. I think it is a little more clinical on the analog side but my phono, cart and tt are fairly warm so it did not hurt my sq too much to have them "toned" down a tad.
Let me know your thoughts once you get it and back in the system!
Try the Hegel H190 if you like the H160 the new model has the same power ratings but manages to get an even better grip on the bass and I notice a bit more up top also. The display looks professional(finally) and the headphone jack's on the side.
The Lyngdorf is a keeper for now for sure, unless i upgrade to the brand new 3400 model that is!