MC phono cartridge lifespan (when not using)

I have bought a new Benz Wood SL and a few weeks after I have received a new Benz Glider as a gift. I have the Benz Wood mounted on my Ittok and really like the sound....I’d like to know if it is wise the keep a Glider as a spare/replacement when the Wood is worn out....That could be in 5 years or my question is really....will the Glider sound as it should in 5-10 years or will some parts deteriorate even when not using.... Suspension parts or oxidize coils or any other parts....Or should I simply sell it and buy something else when needed.....I know the Wood sound a bit better but I could live with the Glider as I had one before and loved it....
Yes put my Glider in a jar is a great idea and should keep it fresh for many years.....and being that it is a great cartridge, I think I should keep it for when my Wood is worn or out for service....Maybe in 5 years these Glider won't be available or non affordable.

Would you people sell it or keep it....?????
I generally have had great luck with aged vintage cartridges, particularly MM and MI types.  But one could argue that I have no idea how those same cartridges sounded when they were brand new.  Nor are my ears and brain in the same shape they were in 30 years ago and more.  Nor do I have the same equipment I had back then; better stuff now.  I have two cartridges that I bought new, a Koetsu Urushi, now about 8 years old, and a Grado TLZ, now probably more than 30 years old.  I think both have lost a step or two or three over the years, but is that due to ordinary wear due to heavy use or to aging per se?  Quien sabe?

PS. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think the Glider is mediocre at best.  I have owned two and still have the second one I bought.  It would be on the bottom of my list of all cartridges I use now, if I used it at all, which I don't.  In general, I have not liked HOMC cartridges nearly as much as LOMC and MM/MI types. I have another HOMC, a Transfiguration Esprit, which I found to be superior to the Glider in all ways but still not up to my LOMC and MM/MI favorites.
I would be suspicious of any claims of using "100 Year old elastomers" as polymer chemistry had its start circa WWII, and the aging properties of natural rubber is not so good.
I have a few NOS Fidelity Research MCs. They're probably 35 years old, and every one is fine (with no special storage). So are MCs from Dynavector, Koetsu, Audioquest — but that's just a few brands, and one can't draw a sweeping conclusion from it. Van den Hul recommends storing his cartridges in your freezer! Sealed against moisture of course. 
Gary, your alternative — to sell it and buy a new one in 5-10 years — presumes they'll be available; be good; and have sane prices. I wouldn't presume that.