Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1

I am looking at these three possible speakers as replacements for my Magicos.

Gauder Acoustic Cassiano
Gamut RSi5
Marten Django XL

Does anybody have any input on any of these please?

What is "better"? More impressive to your guests? More precise measurements? Flatter frequency response or simply more enjoyable to listen to for the purchaser?

There is no "objectively better" because no one person gets to determine better, especially when it comes to the actual person choosing to make a purchase.  No one besides the end user may determine what traits they value more than others. There is no doubt that Magico builds exceptional speakers with a very high degree of quality and workmanship. That is not in question. There are many people who like them alot and thats cool.

For me and I'm sure for others too, I valued the traits of the speakers I chose as being more applicable to me than the traits Magico has on offer. I prefer paintings over photographs. That doesn't make me right or wrong, it just happens to be what I prefer. I prefer tubes to solid state, same thing. I enjoy the organic texture but I'm also not the kind of guy who sets up a shrine and must listen to music in a ritualistic manner from a vise-like sweet spot. I listen, have fun, dance a little, walk around, plan the day outdoors, etc, etc but hey, I live outside Aspen, CO with a perfect wife. 

To those who love their speakers, thats awesome and thats the goal. The original poster isn't in love right now with his Magicos and while it is almost certainly an upstream mismatch causing his dissatisfaction, only his ears get to make the evaluation.  In closing, while I have deep respect for Magico, I've not fallen for their sound for me.
There are clear criteria for what is better (that is if you understand loudspeaker design). No one should argue that if all things are being equal, lower distortion levels, smother dispersion pattern, or greater extension is a bad thing. There is a reason people preferences are similar in blind listening tests, we know what is good, when we keep our bias out.

would highly recommend the Bird 2.Its really magical paired with the right electronics. Have it as a demo.

You are missing the point Sciencepop, I am clearly stating that I will NOT be unbiased or ignore my preferences when buying for myself. I don't want to! I'm also realistic enough to understand that accuracy versus pleasant CAN mean two different things to two people.  The original poster has biases, as well he/she should, which no one but he understands and appreciates. But he should follow his path. You should follow yours. I will follow mine.

The Magicos that I have heard obviously didn't float my boat or I would have written a check. I will repeat though, they are exceptional speakers and I am confident there are many happy owners out there but we are contributing to a thread where there is one who is not. Alot of speakers are exceptional but ignoring our biases and preferences is how people end up with gear they don't enjoy.

The A3 Magicos seem promising as most everyone on this thread who is not in love with the brand are turned off to varying degrees by the treble, which Mr. Wolf has been working on apparently. I look forward to hearing them someday soon. I will repeat, I appreciate Magico and many other companies striving to add value to our hobby.
I too have the S5’s, but the MkII iteration. I do a lot of low level listening and it is VERY different in this regard than its predecessor. I think Magicos are really neutral and transparent so a lot of the tonal balance boils down to the gear you have. I’m running an all tube setup (Zanden 3100 and 8120) and the sound is full, fast, sweet and very lush. The S3 MkII doesn’t share this attributes with the S5. I know you that you didn’t ask this, but I would not rule out the mk2. It is a better speaker than the ones you listed - more linear, neutral and transparent.

I like the Martens a lot, but I like my S5’s even more. They are more coherent and effortless - even with low power.

Hope this helps