Getting into tubes

I'm thinking about getting my first tube integrated amp and been reading all I can about them. I've narrowed my list of manufacturers down to four: Raven Audio (Blackhawk/Osprey), Primaluna (Dialogue Premium), Ars Sonum Filarmonia and Decware (Zen Mystery Amp). All have their pros and cons. First, a bit about my system:

Merlin TSM Black Magic Edition
Sunfire True Sub Mk2 (and oldie but still runs well)
MSB Analog Dac 
Macbook Air streaming Tidal through Audirvana
Spectral SDR-3000SL running into the MSB

Room is small, about 10 X 11. I listen to jazz ( mostly trio's and female vocals) and some classic rock. 

My laundry list for what I'm looking for in a tube amp is as follows:

1. Obviously they have to sound great. From what I've been reading, seems like all these amps all sound fantastic to various individuals that have used them. 
2. Ease of use: self biasing tubes. Don't want the fuss of having to bias the tubes myself. I know that with the Decware ZMA, you have to bias yourself but it appears to be a simple process.
3. Overall build of the unit. Each of the manufacturers all look to have excellent build qualities. I've seen pictures of the insides of all units. Looks like the Primaluna is built like a beast on the inside. Also the ZMA is all point to point, no circuit boards of any type. That's a big plus.
4. Remote control: now this is a semi big one for me. I do a lot of late night listening and am constantly changing the volume. Raven Audio and Primaluna checks this box off but the Filharmonia and ZMA doesn't. However I have a DAC (MSB Analog) that has a volume control built in that I believe may work?
5. Subwoofer output. It would be nice to have a dedicated sub out for ease of connecting the sub. I know that there is the option to connect the sub through the speaker level inputs, but I have read its difficult to do that with the Filarmonia and ZMA if the spades are too thick. 
6. Reliability and after care service.

For those that have experience with any of these amps, any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've been going back and forth trying to decide. Thanks!
I currently own Quicksilver, Allnic, Unison, LTA and love them all for different reasons. 4 very different amps with tube rolling that sound different again. Welcome to the mania. I like self biasing as breaking in tubes properly is easier. Don’t live without a remote, though you can put up with it ... don’t. As far as recommendations .... just listen for yourself. Tube amps have a lot of personality and those you mention are strong personalities. Your personal tastes and demands will be unique as will be the speaker interaction. Sorry to be of so little help
Thanks once again to all those that took the time to respond! Really appreciate all the various opinions and advice. So many things to consider and there are a plethora of types of tube amps I never knew existed or considered before. That’s why this forum is so good to learn from!!

My laundry list is not concrete by any means, just what I would like to have. Seems like there are only a couple of amps that check every single box. But now am reading more after people post about tube amps I would have never considered and learning more about their designs. I think I will have to try and audition as many different tube amps as I can, although I’m not sure how realistic that will be. Doesn’t hurt to try :) It’s the journey that is the fun part right?
Would love to hear from Raven Audio owners and their experiences with them, especially the Blackhawk and Osprey models and if there are any huge differences between the two. 
I priviously owned the Merlin TSM. They were great with a Quicksilver Audio ,60 watt , EL34 monoblocks. They are available on the used market.  Quicksilver new products range from 25 wpc, 40 wpc, 120 wpc, 170 wpc tube amps. I loved the Merlins with EL-34 tube amps.
The first tube amp I had was a Rogue Cronus Magnum +, which I bought 2nd hand. I was immediately hooked, and after I sold it to it's 3rd owner I received an email stating: "Love the sound, I am hooked on tubes!" The Rogue was running KT120 tubes.

The amp that replaced the Rogue cost many times more, and sounds it. It's an Ayon KT88-based integrated. It is an incredible sound with a pair of Avalon speakers. 

After the Ayon was here for a year or so, I decided to replace my stereo in my home office from a solid state system to a tube system. I happened to meet the owner of Raven and loved the sound of the Blackheart LE which runs 6L6 tubes. This amp came home with me the first time I heard it.

What I can say is that tubes are an adventure, I love both the KT88 sound in the AYon as I do the very different 6L6 sound in the Raven. The Rogue amp had a time amount of noise in it, but it's KT120s also sounded wonderful to me. They are all quite different, but I like the differences -- I do know that many have their favorite tubes and sometimes like to "savage" the sound of tubes they don't like. 

If I were starting out, I think I might buy a nice kit from bottlehead or that great British firm and build that... something to consider.