Getting into tubes

I'm thinking about getting my first tube integrated amp and been reading all I can about them. I've narrowed my list of manufacturers down to four: Raven Audio (Blackhawk/Osprey), Primaluna (Dialogue Premium), Ars Sonum Filarmonia and Decware (Zen Mystery Amp). All have their pros and cons. First, a bit about my system:

Merlin TSM Black Magic Edition
Sunfire True Sub Mk2 (and oldie but still runs well)
MSB Analog Dac 
Macbook Air streaming Tidal through Audirvana
Spectral SDR-3000SL running into the MSB

Room is small, about 10 X 11. I listen to jazz ( mostly trio's and female vocals) and some classic rock. 

My laundry list for what I'm looking for in a tube amp is as follows:

1. Obviously they have to sound great. From what I've been reading, seems like all these amps all sound fantastic to various individuals that have used them. 
2. Ease of use: self biasing tubes. Don't want the fuss of having to bias the tubes myself. I know that with the Decware ZMA, you have to bias yourself but it appears to be a simple process.
3. Overall build of the unit. Each of the manufacturers all look to have excellent build qualities. I've seen pictures of the insides of all units. Looks like the Primaluna is built like a beast on the inside. Also the ZMA is all point to point, no circuit boards of any type. That's a big plus.
4. Remote control: now this is a semi big one for me. I do a lot of late night listening and am constantly changing the volume. Raven Audio and Primaluna checks this box off but the Filharmonia and ZMA doesn't. However I have a DAC (MSB Analog) that has a volume control built in that I believe may work?
5. Subwoofer output. It would be nice to have a dedicated sub out for ease of connecting the sub. I know that there is the option to connect the sub through the speaker level inputs, but I have read its difficult to do that with the Filarmonia and ZMA if the spades are too thick. 
6. Reliability and after care service.

For those that have experience with any of these amps, any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've been going back and forth trying to decide. Thanks!

Showing 15 responses by jzzmn88

Thanks for the responses!

@kalali Great point and one I've thought about. I've tried to experiment without using any remote, not as much of a pain as I thought it would be, but still would be nice to have the option of the remote.

@lancelock Looked at the LTA website and am impressed! How does the ZOTL Ultralinear compare with the Berning ZH-230? I've heard the Berning mates very well with the Merlins.

@yogiboy Thank you for the recommendation. I've looked into Rogue Audio before. The CM2 looks like a solid tube amp, but always wondered why there are so many of them on the used market? In any case, its one to consider given the price point.

@linnlingo The Rogers amps look really well built and I'm sure they sound amazing. The only downside is the price. Much more than I am thinking of spending. Thank you for the recommendation though.

@jond You are correct, the Filarmonia and Merlin are very synergistic, or so I've been told. Two strikes against it....lack of remote and I've heard its difficult to connect a sub to the Cardas binding posts (connecting two sets of wires to the post). But its still in the running for consideration!

Thanks for all the responses so far and lots of great advice and feedback. Lots to consider.

@lancelock I have to admit, I am getting very intrigued by the LTA offerings. Definitely going to look into them more, more so with the sale going on for the ZOTL40 on their website.
Regarding the differences you heard between the new Ultralinear and the ZOTL40, can you elaborate more on that? Thank you.
@atmasphere Your amps look incredible. Love the video on your home page. Now that’s point to point wiring! Are you referring to the S-30 amp? The only issue may be how much heat it produces. I see it draws 400 watts and assuming much of that gets disappated. My room is small and heats up quickly, plus I live in Southern California where it really doesn’t get that cold at night. Anyhow, would love to audition your amps sometime. 
I emailed Mark from Linear Tube Audio and asked about the possibility of pairing the Merlins with the ZOTL40 and this is what he had to say:

"I only know one guy with Merlins, David Berning. He has his own custom sub.The ZOTL40 drives them nicely. I am using one ZOTL40 at home driving my 86db maggies in my 35 foot bedroom. Typical listening is 11-1 o'clock and very loud is 3 o'clock.I am also using it with a MZ2 of course. You do get more gain with a preamp."

Good to know that David Berning himself uses Merlins for his designs!
Would love to hear from Raven Audio owners and their experiences with them, especially the Blackhawk and Osprey models and if there are any huge differences between the two. 
Thanks once again to all those that took the time to respond! Really appreciate all the various opinions and advice. So many things to consider and there are a plethora of types of tube amps I never knew existed or considered before. That’s why this forum is so good to learn from!!

My laundry list is not concrete by any means, just what I would like to have. Seems like there are only a couple of amps that check every single box. But now am reading more after people post about tube amps I would have never considered and learning more about their designs. I think I will have to try and audition as many different tube amps as I can, although I’m not sure how realistic that will be. Doesn’t hurt to try :) It’s the journey that is the fun part right?
@trelja and @pryso Thank you both for your suggestion with contacting Rich Brkich. I do have experience with him as he upgraded and basically built from scratch, my Merlin TSM’s to Bobby Palkovich’s final specs for the Black Magic Edition. This was done last year and it was a wonderful process. I can attest to Rich’s detail, honesty and exemplary workmanship! Bobby would have been proud of him.

Anyhow, I have been in contact with him regarding the Ars Sonum Filarmonia and he has been patient in answering all my questions. While I know that there is a synergy between the Merlin and the Filarmonia, the amp doesn’t quite check off all the boxes for me and that’s why I am taking my time to see if there are any others that may work for my situation. I must admit I love the retro looks and the simplicity of the Filarmonia. It is very much in contention.
Another minor drawback of the Filarmonia is the inability to tube roll which, to me, is one of the advantages to owning a tube amplifier that can accept various tubes. Although I’m not much of a tweaker when it comes to my system, I could see myself experimenting with different tubes over many years for the fun of it.
@trelja Unfortunately I cannot tell you the difference in the improvements from the previous version because I bought my pair of Merlin’s directly from Rich after he upgraded them. But what I am hearing now is incredible. Very smooth, non-fatiguing, deep soundstage. I’m currently using an older Plinius 8200, and if it sounds great now, I can only imagine what it sounds like with tubes, which is apparently what Bobby Palkovich designed these to work well with.  

A couple of minor things with the Filarmonia that don’t check off the boxes: lack of remote and lack of a sub out. As some have pointed out earlier, I listen in a small room so it wouldn’t be a stretch to get out of my chair to adjust the volume. But I do a lot of late night listening and am constantly adjusting, so I can envision it becoming somewhat of a pain. As far as a sub out, it would be simpler to hook up a sub that way. The other way to hook up the sub is through the high level inputs but with the Cardas binding posts, I hear it’s difficult to double up on spades lugs. 

Thats good to know one can tube roll with the Filarmonia. I was under the impression it couldn’t be done at all. 

I really appreciate your thoughts and opinions!
@trelja You may have saved me a bunch of money! =) I love my Plinius. Bought it new 18 years ago as an 8150 and upgraded a few years down the line. Its been so reliable, no issues and love the sound it produces, especially with the Merlins. I’ve had the itch to try tubes but you’re right, its possible the best mate for my particular situation may be the one I have right now! 
@bobheinatz I emailed Mark of LTA last week, and he said the Ultralinear should be coming out in 4 weeks. I'm very curious to hear that in person. 
@skanda Thank you for that suggestion. I would be interested in auditioning a Line Magnetic amp. Heard nothing but good things about them!

@trelja I'm really leaning towards the LTA ZOTL40. Seems that will be a magical pairing with my Merlins from what I've been reading. That's on the top of my list so far. 
@brotw I appreciate your input on the Raven and Line Magnetic amps. Both have great reviews all over the web, would be nice to be able to audition them.

So my first step to auditioning tube amps is to attend the LA/OC Audio Society meeting on March 18. Its going to be held at Upscale Audio in southern California. I will be able to hear many tube amps and apparently there are going to be several shootouts between several tube manufacturers. Looking forward to the event and will give my impressions after I attend!

I jumped the gun and found a used Primaluna Prologue 5 here on Audiogon for sale yesterday. Obviously its not an integrated amp and doesn't have a remote or sub out. I can get around that by using my dac's volume control and am planning on hooking up the sub through the high level outputs. 

I like the fact that I will be able to tube roll, adjusts bias automatically and has tube protection. Most importantly, it didn't break the bank! 

Its coming this week so I'll post my impression when I get it in my system.