Townshend Maximum Super Tweeters Ribbons, Amazing Results Definite Keepers

i am using various cd players as i am upgrading but i have kept the lector cdp707 in now fora week or so, a dealer friend brought round a pair of Max Super Tweeters, he connected them up in less than 2 mins using the supplied cables, he set the level at 3 from a choice of 1-6, we sat down and i played one of my all time favorites Neil Young Comes a Time 
i now this album very well but not heard it like this before, the attack of the guitars, the extra resolution and bite of the guitars was nothing short of amazing, there was more snap to the drum beat, the top end is so much more realistic and enjoyable, while the mid range has gained resolution and body, the vocals are very natural sounding but also revealing, the bass seems to have improved, there is definitely more of it
its early days but im keeping them and i am very happy with level 3, my speakers are soundlabs dynastats,
Is anyone else using Maximum Super Tweeters ? and are your findings the same or similar to mine i am really happy with mine its another case of how did i live without them all comments and experiences are very welcome thank you
Great question, I don't know the answer. I believe the volume dials on the dB 99's need cleaning because the original ones that match and came with the speakers aren't working correctly. I shipped them back several years ago for repair but they were returned and still not working :-(
I owned the Townshend Maximum Super tweeters and they were really awesome! Funny, when you put your ear up close to them you could barely hear them. But boy did they add a nice openness to the sound.
Today, I wish I still had them.

Good to hear, ozzy!  I hope to hear the same results!  Certainly not a cheap "tweak" or "add-on" but hopefully worth it.  With them, my system should cover sub 20Hz - 90khz, not bad!  Mostly, I hope it adds that extra little bit of "air" and speed (high treble) that the KEF's are lacking a bit...not a lot, just a bit, when compared to electrostatics, planars, ribbons.
Bet they work especially good with horn loudspeakers. In fact, I know they do.
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