Any Thoughts on Naim Uniti Nova ?

Was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on or experience with the Uniti Nova so far ? I am thinking of getting one, but wondering if I should wait a little longer being that it is a new series lined and all, any thoughts? 
For me, I am looking at the Nova as a stand alone unit to imported music with as soon as I get a core to go along with it. This time around, the price does not scare me, because in some ways, you get what you pay for & you may only live once ! :) one of the big things for me was that some years ago I picked up a Brennan jb7 and really liked it (except for the fact that it did not show cover art) until it fried. After that I said I would go all the way on my next unit. So, after some research I've decided to go naim all the way. 
The Nova also partners up nicely with the inuous zenith servers.

We sell the Core as well as  the Zenith.

For many people the zenith is the better choice because it can run as a Roon Core.

The music experience of roon is far superior to other software.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I've played with the NAIM Uniti Core quite a bit and like it.  The control app is simple, but I like that.

For me, Roon is way too busy and cumbersome to navigate.