Any Thoughts on Naim Uniti Nova ?

Was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on or experience with the Uniti Nova so far ? I am thinking of getting one, but wondering if I should wait a little longer being that it is a new series lined and all, any thoughts? 

Showing 3 responses by audiotroy

Freedomsounds7000,  there is no need to wait. The Nova has been out for a few months. Naim gear tends to be very reliable and problem free.

The new Uniti series is pretty awesome, we are a displaying Naim dealer with many of their products on display.

The Nova comes quite close to the reference NAC 272/250Dr combo for a lot less money!

The app is fantastic and the Nova sounds very engaging and musical and can drive many of today's best loudspeakers without problem.

The Nova is something that is truly special a true high end audio product that is easy and fun to use, can access almost any musical format and streaming file and looks stunning. 

Couple the above features and attributes and add in the entire Naim echo system so you can purchase a Naim Muso and have the same app control a wonderful streaming speaker for lets say a Kitchen or a guest room makes this entire concept a true pathway for many music lovers. 

If you have specific questions please feel free to contact us.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
The Nova also partners up nicely with the inuous zenith servers.

We sell the Core as well as  the Zenith.

For many people the zenith is the better choice because it can run as a Roon Core.

The music experience of roon is far superior to other software.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Tdimier the Innuous can run as a Roon Server or as a Upnp server so you can have it either way. The innnous sounds even better.

As per the Nova it is one of the must musically engaging products out there our customers are thrilled with their Novas.

It is the combination of great sound a fantastic app, and stellar build quality which makes the Nova so appealing.

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ