additional processing and customs charges on goldring 1006 or nagaoka mp150

Im considering purchasing the goldring 1006 or nagaoka mp150 on ebay.  Both indicate additional international processing and custom charges.  Does anyone know about  what this additional cost maybe?  Also any thoughts on both of these cartridges.  Looking to purchase for my pioneer plx1000.  My understanding is that the ortofon 2m blue is nice option as well but on my table could be a real pain to mount.

Appreciate your thoughts.
Just because several manufacturers used beryllium for their top models, it doesn't mean that boron is not the ultimate cantilever material. 

BTW, some of your mentioned beryllium cartridges make wonderful sound. 

Boron, beryllium, aluminum... There were a lot of great MM cartridges during that decade. 
 Buy the Pioneer turntable local at a guitar center or other music store because of the loose bearing issues with the arm so you can return it easily.
As other people have said whoever is telling you any cart is hard to install on a DJ turntable is an idiot.  with a removable headshell and overhang gauge that the table comes with you can take your time and easily setup the cart.
Plus vendors like needledoctor and others sell the Ortofon 2m Blue with the SH-4 headshell already mounted.  
later if you want to really improve the table get a KAB silicon tonearm damper.  Amazing improvement in tightening up the bass and dealing with arm resonances.  Several vendors sell the nagaoka mp150 mounted to a headshell pre-wired also.  I was considering that same cart for Technics SL1200G i am looking at.
Hi Chakster: While the MC-L1000 was certainly the most extreme of the range, that is not necessarily the same thing as musical enjoyment.

I partly agree with the following author, that many listeners would probably consider the MC-L10 to be better balanced, less merciless, and more musically enjoyable.

A MC-L1000 can malfunction or fail for a variety of reasons. Some problems cannot be corrected. The coil lead-out wires are flexed each and every time the cartridge is cued into an LP, and over time they can fatigue and break.The printed coils can develop internal cracks (perhaps due to the constant impacts transmitted into them from the stylus directly below), but there is some evidence that certain stylus cleaning liquids can migrate into the coils and cause oxidation, which will eventually break the coil traces.

However, the MC-L1000’s pole pieces are very close to the LP, and the gap between the pole pieces is very narrow. The proximity of the pole pieces to the LP, combined with the powerful magnetic field will efficiently "suck up" any ferrous-containing particles that are on the LP, and the narrowness of the gap means that once such particles collect in the gap, they will stay there. Since the gap is also where the printed coil resides, a build-up of debris here will gradually hamper movement of the coil, and eventually bring it to a complete halt.

If an MC-L1000 in such condition is taken apart and the gap carefully cleaned, there is a reasonable chance that it can be brought back to normal operating condition.

See the following page for more details.
 Regarding coreless  flux cartridges I have a fidelity research MC 201 that I believe has such an arrangement. As well as an astatic Mf100. Are they pretty much the same as that newer red  Sparrow?   They are both fantastic performers.