Brands that have the least depreciation

Which high end brands have the best resale values? 
Ayre and ARC are easy to resell if you ever move on. But expect 50% price cut when you list used gear, no matter what brand. 
@jmcgrogan2 "Brands like ARC, Pass Labs, Sonus Faber, Vandersteen, VPI, etc., tend to hold their resale value better, and be easier to re-sell due to name recognition."

Totally agree with John.  Any of the classic names seem to do best, that's why they've stayed in business as long as they have.  And in many cases, the older products can reach the point where prices begin to increase.

For what it's worth, tube gear from these long standing companies tends to do pretty well over the long run
Stick to blue chip brands - Mark Levinson, Pass, Audio Research, Ayre, Krell, etc.