Has anyone heard the Miyajima 'Snakewood' cartridge,

a limited edition successor to the Madake ? A Google search turns up no hits on it - maybe it’s too new and too rare to garner a critical review - so I’m polling for anyone’s personal experience with it ?
The Limited Edition Snakewood takes all the stunning attributes of the bamboo cantilevered Madake to a whole new level. They are trickling out of Japan due to the incredibly difficult process needed to machine the second hardest wood that also is so brittle that many attempts yield only one or two acceptable bodies. Anyone who has heard one has been thrilled one customer buyer another just to have a spare!
Importer Robyatt Audio
robyatt - now that my Snakewood has fully bloomed, I think I am not exaggerating when I say it is a musical instrument in its own right.  And yes, it raises the already wonderful blackwood Madake to a new level altogether. I'm selling my Dyna-T, because there's no going back.