Tube amp powered up?

I'm in the habit of leaving all my SS components powered up all the time, as advised by the first dealer I knew, back in the 80s. Now, I have a tube integrated (jolida 302b,and a vintage tube receiver. Some say leave the tubes on all the time, because what hurts them is the surge when they're turned on. Makes sense to me, but all the dealers, gurus, soothsayers and technicians advise bringing the tubes down when not listening. Anybody have an opinion?
Rollin, Rollin,Rollin.......
Now using Rogue Cronus Magnum. The JoLida has the day off. 
Ive been told that replacing the AX7 right in the middle of the chassis will give me more bloom, space and air, but at the expense of pinpoint imaging. If anyone has done this switch, what tube did you use, and how was the result?
I found that the current version of Gold Lion's 12AX7s sound great, aren't expensive (at least relative to "vintage" tubes), and, most importantly, look cool. 
I save on oil up here in New England with my mono heaters.....but I do turn them off when not listening.   They are on more than off during most weekends but are always off when I'm not home