My apologies_Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7's?


I am the naive person who posted about which speaker to buy next, my system is all McIntosh, except for the downloaded high-resolution music content. Since I have price limitations, I have been attempting to audition loudspeakers under $15K, preferably used or demos. In various stores, I have heard the following:
  • Vandersteen Quarto CT's: Great bass, but an active system that does not seem to resolve high mid-range strings like a Wilson;
  • Triton GoldenEar Reference;
  • Sonus Faber Venere S and Olympica's, great sound in the store.
Currently, I am auditioning (in-house) Wilson Yvette speakers (it cost $400 for an in-house demo), and they sound great to me, but they are too expensive, even at a reduced demo price.  I started comparing frequency and impedance curves where I could obtain them (mostly Hi-Fi news from the U.K.), but I am becoming too obsessive about this.

So, I guess I could buy the Wilson Sabrina or Wilson Sasha WP (discontinued Series 1), since I seem to like the Wilson sound. Any advice?

Thanks again - Gerry
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgerryah930
George, not that it matters all that much, but it appears the statement you quoted about the amp providing 675 WPC into 4 ohms in stereo mode (which is from a TAS review) is probably taken from marketing literature, and conflicts with the independent measurements shown at this link:
Power output (stereo mode)
  • Power output at 1% THD+N: 333.3W @ 8 ohms, 499.4W @ 4 ohms
  • Power output at 10% THD+N: 365.2W @ 8 ohms, 576.0W @ 4 ohm
Also, as I read its description, it does in fact use bipolar output transistors, while using JFETs and MOSFETs elsewhere in its signal path.

That said, from a technical standpoint my only reservation about this amp would be its low input impedance (spec’d at 10K/20K unbalanced/balanced, measured at 8.6K/26.6K in stereo mode, and 5.3K/15.7K in mono mode). Many tube-based components and at least a few solid state components will have problems driving those impedances, which may constrain future changes in upstream components even if it isn’t an issue now.

Gerry, best of luck with your new components.

-- Al

my only reservation about this amp would be its low input impedance
(spec’d at 10K/20K unbalanced/balanced
  • Power:
  • 333.3W @ 8 ohms,
  • 499.4W @ 4 ohms

As Al posted, this H30 input impedance will make for a hard impedance match with tube, TVC or passive preamps. Solid state preamps should be fine.

Also the independent wattage figures (which relate to current ability), that Al found, are not so good either, as an indication of great current ability so tread carefully.

BTW: I’m sure Al or I could come up with some amp (with good current ability) recommendations, and a higher more usable input impedance, if you want that from us?  

Cheers George
Give the Focal Sopra 2 a try - hard to beat for the price.
However, with the run of used SF on AG you'll find a nice pair of Olympica 3's that will sound just sumptuous with your MAC gear.

A change in digital won't hurt but compared to modern speaker designs your WP 7 will still show their age. 

I would look at all the possible choices in your price range when you are ready. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I hope you've learned, like many here, to ignore Audiotroy. Once again, he leads the thread in words produced. Apparently, he is not a Wilson dealer but used to work for one. So unlike most class dealers who choose not to denigrate your tastes, he damns Wilson with faint praise and goes on to suggest that the speakers he sells are better because they utilize more expensive drivers.
Nevertheless a number of audiophiles do not like the sound of beryllium  drivers. I, for one, have yet to hear a beryllium tweeter that I like.
 Your decision to hold off is a good one. I had the WP7s for years. Contrary to what Audiotroy says, if those speakers were produced by Wilson Audio today and cost 20k, they'd be better than most speakers in that price range IMHO.