My apologies_Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7's?


I am the naive person who posted about which speaker to buy next, my system is all McIntosh, except for the downloaded high-resolution music content. Since I have price limitations, I have been attempting to audition loudspeakers under $15K, preferably used or demos. In various stores, I have heard the following:
  • Vandersteen Quarto CT's: Great bass, but an active system that does not seem to resolve high mid-range strings like a Wilson;
  • Triton GoldenEar Reference;
  • Sonus Faber Venere S and Olympica's, great sound in the store.
Currently, I am auditioning (in-house) Wilson Yvette speakers (it cost $400 for an in-house demo), and they sound great to me, but they are too expensive, even at a reduced demo price.  I started comparing frequency and impedance curves where I could obtain them (mostly Hi-Fi news from the U.K.), but I am becoming too obsessive about this.

So, I guess I could buy the Wilson Sabrina or Wilson Sasha WP (discontinued Series 1), since I seem to like the Wilson sound. Any advice?

Thanks again - Gerry
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Showing 8 responses by gpgr4blu

Agree with Georgehifi. WP 7s were the best WP. Although I preferred the Sashas to the 7s. Alexia 2s are fabulous.
Most of you know my protestations about Audiotroy's comments that consistently appear in threads about Wilsons. It's not about defending Wilsons. We all have our tastes in speakers and Wilsons are certainly not for everybody.  If I were an ATC, Raidho, Eggleston or Rockport fan (and I am, big time) and Audiotroy was constantly invading those threads to sell his wares, I would have the same problem.
You remind me of the Personas you always try to sell everywhere you go. A little bit on the bright side and pretty impressive at first. Then a bit too aggressive and annoying the more you listen.
I hope you've learned, like many here, to ignore Audiotroy. Once again, he leads the thread in words produced. Apparently, he is not a Wilson dealer but used to work for one. So unlike most class dealers who choose not to denigrate your tastes, he damns Wilson with faint praise and goes on to suggest that the speakers he sells are better because they utilize more expensive drivers.
Nevertheless a number of audiophiles do not like the sound of beryllium  drivers. I, for one, have yet to hear a beryllium tweeter that I like.
 Your decision to hold off is a good one. I had the WP7s for years. Contrary to what Audiotroy says, if those speakers were produced by Wilson Audio today and cost 20k, they'd be better than most speakers in that price range IMHO.
I know you are too busy selling to read OPs decision but he is wisely sticking with WP7s for now. I hope he will listen to trusted advisors in the future, not rank biased salesmen like you.
So you would not sell Wilsons because you claim incorrectly that they raise their prices over minor changes.  First, their changes from generation to generation usually involve many changes, some of which do not involve different drivers but many internal changes and some of which involve new drivers as well as numerous internal changes. 
 Of course, Wilson would never permit Audio Doctor to sell their products if you wanted to because, as you know, one of their dealer requirements is a brick and mortar store with appropriate listening rooms--- not a business run out of a personal residence as Audio Doctor does.
I appreciate your observation if you read this thread in a vacuum. I too might find Audiotroy's comments enlightening if I saw his comments on one or two threads only. However, you must look at Audiotroy's past post history to see his consistent habit and practice of invading threads having nothing to do with products he sells. His M.O. is to ostensibly educate the thread participants and the OP by pointing out why the product under discussion should be reconsidered in light of a better product or products which he just happens to sell. He especially likes to invade virtually any thread involving Wilsons to criticize the brand and/or to promote Paradigms and Legacys which, what a shock, he just happens to sell. It is really quite pathetic and annoying.  
sorry Audiotroy. I actually don't bother to read your long winded defensive responses. You use way too many words. You remind me of Bo. Have you read Bo's posts? I don't know who does. It's the music I care about, not hot air.
Keep it short and I'll read it.

Thanks willemj. We need more like you to stop forum pollution.
You are learning. Only 8 paragraphs this time. Maybe someday you'll learn that verbosity is the soul of twit.
 Anyway, I have built numerous systems for friends. None have involved Wilson. In none have I even recommended Wilson. They are not for every taste, room or wallet. You seem to think I'm focused on Wilson because we always meet in Wilson threads. We meet in Wilson threads because I read them as an owner of Wilson and sometimes join in them. I also watch you invade virtually every one of those threads to criticize Wilson to sell your products. 
It's amazing how warped your salesman's perspective is. 
Now go back to your store--I mean your home which is your store--and leave us alone.
You can reply because you must always get the last word in. I will not read it as there is no one but us participating here and this thread has lost all relevance. See you in the next Wilson thread which you will undoubtedly invade and ruin.