Please help me chose a tube preamp

I have an opportunity to buy an  Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage amp, I need to know what you all think of it, please.
I do not want to buy something based on reviews of high end audio publications, for I do not want to make the same mistake when I bought Totem model one, Triangle Titus, Audio Research LS3B. All  of these  were a major disappointment for me. 

There is a VTL TL 2.5 available as well, for less then half the price tag of Aesthetix.
I have a Levinson 431 power amp that  will be paired with the selected preamp.

Anyone have any experiences with this Aesthetix and VTL?

May I ask if there is any particular reason you've zeroed in on those two preamps?
What sources are you using? I ask because you may not necessarily need a pre amplifier. A DAC with variable output and switching between multiple inputs may well be enough. Alternatively, a disc player like the Oppo 205 may do the same job, and do so very well.
I have used the Calypso and then the Calypso signature with the Aesthetix Atlas signature amp for about eight years and love the combination. I would make sure that the Calypso output impedance matches well with your amp. In addition the Calypso will not give you a lush tubey sound like a CJ preamp. 
I am with @sgunther, as good as Calypso is, it just doesn’t have the lush tubey sound. With Calypso, you get a very nice balanced and neutral sound, kind of best of both SS and Tube worlds.

I end up trading Aesthetix Calypso for ARC LS28. In a highly resolve system, you just can’t underestimate the virtues of a dedicated preamp.
I use an Aesthetix Calypso with an Aesthetix Atlas. A great neutral combination. My system is posted if you want to see the other components.