Output Caps For Dehavilland Ultraverve

Has anyone changed the output caps on their Ultraverve, and if so with what and to what effect?  A couple of years ago Kara suggested Mundorf's with the caveat that she had not experimented with any of the more esoteric options.  Thanks for your advice...

Ah, but am I correct about the higher total capacitance driving longer cable runs better?  I believe a gold star is in order only if both of my assumptions were true...
Well, that question is not as easy. Not sure the size of the cap will make that much of a difference. It really depends on the capacitance of the IC your using and the output impedance of the preamp. Yours has an output impedance of 600-1000 ohms depending on the volume and frequency. Impedance will rise as you turn it up.

Best case in an output impedance of under 500 ohms to avoid top end roll off on a long 4-6 meter IC. How long are your ICs and what are they? 

would you care to share the pics of the cap replacement? I have an UV 3 with stepped attenuator.


I helped a v3 owner just this week with the same mod. He simply added the Duelund silver bypass caps and loves it! 
Do you have the specs on the Duelund bypass caps? I looked above in the thread and only noticed 0.33 uF value, but no Duelund type description...Thanks.